graphql-python / flask-graphql

Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application.

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"Decorated type deeper than introspection query" error with nested lists

sf-sagarj opened this issue · comments

We see the following errors when using nested lists:

Error: Decorated type deeper than introspection query.
    at n (
    at n (
    at n (
    at n (
    at r (
    at Array.reduce (native)
    at keyValMap (
    at f (

Here's the example code that can cause this issue. Graphene introspection doesn't report any errors.

import graphene, json

class Animal(graphene.Interface):
   id = graphene.String()

class Dog(graphene.ObjectType):
   class Meta:
      interfaces = (Animal, )
   breed = graphene.String()

class Cat(graphene.ObjectType):
   class Meta:
      interfaces = (Animal, )
   category = graphene.String()

class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
  animals = graphene.NonNull(graphene.List(graphene.NonNull(graphene.List(graphene.NonNull(Animal)))))
  def resolve_animals(self, args, context, info):
    return[[Dog(id=1, breed='Golden Retriever'),
            Dog(id=2, breed='German Shepard')],
           [Cat(id=11, category ='Tiger'),
            Cat(id=12, category='House Cat')]]

schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query, types=[Dog, Cat, ])

Errors disappear if we remove the "required" or NonNull decorators. Any suggestions on how to fix these errors?

issue appears to be due to graphiql version set to 0.7.1 in - I was able to fix the issue by changing this to 0.10.1 in my local copy.