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Use of LongAdder in StatisticsCollector

dfa1 opened this issue · comments

According to javadoc:

This class is usually preferable to AtomicLong when multiple threads update a common sum that is used for purposes such as collecting statistics, not for fine-grained synchronization control. Under low update contention, the two classes have similar characteristics. But under high contention, expected throughput of this class is significantly higher, at the expense of higher space consumption.

I tried to update the StatisticsCollector to use LongAdder but it is not really possible to make it very efficient,
because StatisticsCollector uses increment and get pattern.


    public <K> long incrementLoadCount(IncrementLoadCountStatisticsContext<K> context) {
        return loadCount.incrementAndGet();

With LongAdder it would be something like:

    public <K> long incrementLoadCount(IncrementLoadCountStatisticsContext<K> context) {
        return loadCount.sum(); // this could be more expensive

sum() is triggered on every call, so it could slow down a bit, but luckily the return value is never used, at least internally.

I'm aware that changing all methods to return void it is a breaking change but in theory it could greatly improve performance under high contention (i.e. lot of threads updating statistics).

In case you're interested, here is the implementation:

 * This simple collector uses {@link java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder}s to collect
 * statistics
 * @see org.dataloader.stats.StatisticsCollector
public class ScalableStatisticsCollector implements StatisticsCollector {
    private final LongAdder loadCount = new LongAdder();
    private final LongAdder batchInvokeCount = new LongAdder();
    private final LongAdder batchLoadCount = new LongAdder();
    private final LongAdder cacheHitCount = new LongAdder();
    private final LongAdder batchLoadExceptionCount = new LongAdder();
    private final LongAdder loadErrorCount = new LongAdder();

    public <K> long incrementLoadCount(IncrementLoadCountStatisticsContext<K> context) {
        return loadCount.sum();

    public long incrementLoadCount() {
        return incrementLoadCount(null);

    public <K> long incrementLoadErrorCount(IncrementLoadErrorCountStatisticsContext<K> context) {
        return loadErrorCount.sum();

    public long incrementLoadErrorCount() {
        return incrementLoadErrorCount(null);

    public <K> long incrementBatchLoadCountBy(long delta, IncrementBatchLoadCountByStatisticsContext<K> context) {
        return batchLoadCount.sum();

    public long incrementBatchLoadCountBy(long delta) {
        return incrementBatchLoadCountBy(delta, null);

    public <K> long incrementBatchLoadExceptionCount(IncrementBatchLoadExceptionCountStatisticsContext<K> context) {
        return batchLoadExceptionCount.sum();

    public long incrementBatchLoadExceptionCount() {
        return incrementBatchLoadExceptionCount(null);

    public <K> long incrementCacheHitCount(IncrementCacheHitCountStatisticsContext<K> context) {
        return cacheHitCount.sum();

    public long incrementCacheHitCount() {
        return incrementCacheHitCount(null);

    public Statistics getStatistics() {
        return new Statistics(loadCount.sum(), loadErrorCount.sum(), batchInvokeCount.sum(), batchLoadCount.sum(), batchLoadExceptionCount.sum(), cacheHitCount.sum());

    public String toString() {
        return getStatistics().toString();

Attaching a simple benchmark that is trying to reproduce a very busy thread pool used for batching:

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;

public class AtomicVsAdder {

    private static final ExecutorService EXECUTOR = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

    public static void main(final String[] args) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
        // knobs
        final Strategy strategy = new LongAdderStrategy();
        final long iterations = 100L * 1000 * 1000;

        // test
        System.out.println("testing with #cpu=" + Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
        final List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final int nThreads : List.of(1, 2, 4, 8, 16)) {
            System.out.println("start test with " + nThreads + " thread");
            final long start = System.nanoTime();

            for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) {
                Future<?> submit = EXECUTOR.submit(() -> concurrentWork(strategy, iterations));
            for (final Future<?> future : futures) {
                future.get(); // wait for all
            final long end = System.nanoTime();
            System.out.println("done in " + Duration.ofNanos(end - start).toMillis() + "ms => result " + strategy.get());
        System.out.println("the end");

    private static void concurrentWork(final Strategy strategy, final long iterations) {
        long work = iterations;
        while (work-- > 0) {

    interface Strategy {
        void increment();

        long get();

        void reset();

    static class LongAdderStrategy implements Strategy {

        private LongAdder longAdder = new LongAdder();

        public void increment() {

        public long get() {
            return longAdder.sum();

        public void reset() {
            longAdder = new LongAdder();

    static class AtomicLongStrategy implements Strategy {

        private final AtomicLong atomicLong = new AtomicLong(0);

        public void increment() {

        public long get() {
            return atomicLong.get();

        public void reset() {


On my workstation I get the following numbers for AtomicLong:

testing with #cpu=4
start test with 1 thread
done in 702ms => result 100000000
start test with 2 thread
done in 3819ms => result 200000000
start test with 4 thread
done in 7603ms => result 400000000
start test with 8 thread
done in 15245ms => result 800000000
start test with 16 thread
done in 30556ms => result 1600000000
the end

and the following for LongAdder:

testing with #cpu=4
start test with 1 thread
done in 1105ms => result 100000000
start test with 2 thread
done in 1066ms => result 200000000
start test with 4 thread
done in 1095ms => result 400000000
start test with 8 thread
done in 2190ms => result 800000000
start test with 16 thread
done in 4443ms => result 1600000000
the end

Basically LongAdder outperforms AtomitcLong when nThreads >= 2. It would be nice to have another StatisticsCollector class using LongAdder to be used out of the box.

@bbakerman @dondonz what do you think?

It would be nice to have another StatisticsCollector class using LongAdder to be used out of the box.

By all means add a new version that breaks the contract and does not return the value.

By the way NoOpStatisticsCollector is used by default right - so people have to opt into any of this anyway