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search not working as expected

sajadghawami opened this issue · comments

hey there,

i am currently having issues with the search.

This is the code:

sellerProductSchema.plugin(mongoosastic, {
  index: 'sellerproduct',
  transform: (data: any, post: any) => {
    const transformedData = {, seller: data.seller._id };
    return transformedData;

const ElasticSearchSellerProductTC = composeWithElastic({
  graphqlTypeName: 'sellerProduct',
  elasticIndex: 'sellerproduct',
  elasticType: 'sellerproduct',
  elasticMapping: {
    properties: {
      title: {
        type: 'keyword',
      category: {
        type: 'keyword',
      price: { type: 'long' },
      shortDescription: {
        type: 'text',
      longDescription: {
        type: 'text',
      seller: {
        type: 'keyword',
      image: { type: 'text' },
      updatedAt: { type: 'date' },
      createdAt: { type: 'date' },
  elasticClient: esClient,

  elasticSearchSellerProduct: ElasticSearchSellerProductTC.getResolver('search'),
  elastic50: elasticApiFieldConfig({
    host: 'elasticsearch:9200',
    apiVersion: '5.6',
    log: 'trace',

The following query does not work:

query {
    query: { simple_query_string: { query: "title", fields: ["title"] } }
  ) { 
    hits {
      _source {


  "data": {
    "elasticSearchSellerProduct": {
      "hits": []

This is the corresponding log-trace for the above request:

node_1           | Elasticsearch TRACE: 2020-05-06T12:46:13Z
node_1           |   -> POST http://elasticsearch:9200/sellerproduct/_search?type=sellerproduct
node_1           |   {
node_1           |     "_source": [
node_1           |       "title"
node_1           |     ],
node_1           |     "query": {
node_1           |       "simple_query_string": {
node_1           |         "query": "title",
node_1           |         "fields": [
node_1           |           "title"
node_1           |         ]
node_1           |       }
node_1           |     }
node_1           |   }
node_1           |   <- 200
node_1           |   {
node_1           |     "took": 2,
node_1           |     "timed_out": false,
node_1           |     "_shards": {
node_1           |       "total": 1,
node_1           |       "successful": 1,
node_1           |       "skipped": 0,
node_1           |       "failed": 0
node_1           |     },
node_1           |     "hits": {
node_1           |       "total": {
node_1           |         "value": 0,
node_1           |         "relation": "eq"
node_1           |       },
node_1           |       "max_score": null,
node_1           |       "hits": []
node_1           |     }
node_1           |   }
node_1           |

But this query does work, and gives the right details:

query {
  elastic50 {
    search(q: "title")

Whats interesting though is that for the query with elastic50 i dont have autocompletion in graphiql - really odd...

Whats happening here? Any help would be much appreciated