graphprotocol / graph-client

The Graph library for building GraphQL-based dapps in a decentralized way.

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Error: Option 'bundler' can only be used when 'module' is set to 'es2015' or later.

schmidsi opened this issue Β· comments

If I follow the steps of adding Graph Client to a fresh install of Next.js with TypeScript, running npx graphclient build yields the following output:

πŸ’‘ GraphClient Cleaning existing artifacts
πŸ’‘ GraphClient Reading the configuration
πŸ’‘ GraphClient Generating the unified schema
πŸ’₯ GraphClient - uniswapv2 Failed to generate the schema Error: Failed to fetch introspection from error TS5095: Option 'bundler' can only be used when 'module' is set to 'es2015' or later.

    at GraphQLHandler.getMeshSource (/Users/schmidsi/Development/@schmidsi/module-resolution-test/node_modules/@graphql-mesh/graphql/cjs/index.js:339:23)
    at async /Users/schmidsi/Development/@schmidsi/module-resolution-test/node_modules/@graphql-mesh/runtime/cjs/get-mesh.js:128:28
    at async Promise.allSettled (index 0)
    at async getMesh (/Users/schmidsi/Development/@schmidsi/module-resolution-test/node_modules/@graphql-mesh/runtime/cjs/get-mesh.js:123:5)
    at async Object.handler (/Users/schmidsi/Development/@schmidsi/module-resolution-test/node_modules/@graphql-mesh/cli/cjs/index.js:311:53)
πŸ’₯ GraphClient Error: Schemas couldn't be generated successfully. Check for the logs by running Mesh with DEBUG=1 environmental variable to get more verbose output.
    at getMesh (/Users/schmidsi/Development/@schmidsi/module-resolution-test/node_modules/@graphql-mesh/runtime/cjs/get-mesh.js:162:15)
    at async Object.handler (/Users/schmidsi/Development/@schmidsi/module-resolution-test/node_modules/@graphql-mesh/cli/cjs/index.js:311:53)

The error can be fixed with changing "moduleResolution" from "bundler" to "node". That being said, this might not be obvious for a lot of developers. Is it possible to make Graph Client work with "moduleResolution": "bundler"?

Steps to reproduce

hint: Content of graphclientrc.yml

npx create-next-app@latest
βœ” What is your project named? … module-resolution-test
βœ” Would you like to use TypeScript? … No / Yes
βœ” Would you like to use ESLint? … No / Yes
βœ” Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? … No / Yes
βœ” Would you like to use `src/` directory? … No / Yes
βœ” Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) … No / Yes
βœ” Would you like to customize the default import alias (@/*)? … No / Yes
cd module-resolution-test
npm install --save-dev @graphprotocol/client-cli
touch .graphclientrc.yml 
npx graphclient build