graphprotocol / graph-client

The Graph library for building GraphQL-based dapps in a decentralized way.

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Faced with memory leaks when work with autoPagination + pollingLive

alohamonius opened this issue · comments


Hello community, I hope you can guide me to the solution.
So I work with dexes to fetch information about ALL pairs/pools. I use pollingLive with auto pagination plugins for graph clients. As a result, my usedHeap increased on 10Mb/s and I got out of memory exception, or every fetch increase the heap on the 100MB. I have commented all my code and only left graph clients, and have the same problem.

So I have few questions about:

  1. Can I clear data inside mesh?
  2. For now I using one MeshInstance per dex(v2,v3), with Repeater object going through all results. Maybe I did wrong here?
 "@graphprotocol/client-cli": "^2.2.21",
 "@graphprotocol/client-polling-live": "1.1.1",
 "graphql": "16.6.0",

Could you create an example repo for us to reproduce the leak?


Check readme.
I don't find a way how to put sushi/uni in one client, so I worked with them from folders.

One thing I noticed in my first look;
These are internal functions;
We don't recommend to use them in production. You should use the instance from .graphclient (artifacts).


I added version2 without parseConfig.
The same behavior,
3:56:05 PM heapUsed │ 353.22
4:03:55 PM heapUsed │ 533.65


@ardatan Did you check v2 without internal method?
So what I can do? Can I somehow clean the data inside?

UDP: Really, looks like it stop to consume a lot of heap, GC works well. So, really looks like the problem was only in the usage of the internal parseConfig method. With 2 clients, heapUsed jumping between 1.1GB - 2.5GB, not the best, but better than before.

@alohamonius Why did you reopen it?


@alohamonius Why did you reopen it?
Hello. Because of something really strange with live polling. App eats memory for one hour up to 4GB. But when I use 'execute' with cron-job results are much better. But no problem, I will close again. Thanks)