gmdias727 / learning-ocaml

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Five aspects of learning a Programming Language

  1. Syntax: How do you write a language constructs?
  2. Semantics: what do programs mean? (Type checking, evaluation rules)
  3. Idioms: What are typical patterns for using language features to express your computation?
  4. Libraries: What facilites does the language (or a third-party project) provide as "standard"? (e.g., file access, data structures)
  5. Tools: What do language implementations provide to make your job easier? (e.g., top-level, debugger, GUI editor, ...)
  • All are essential for good programmers to understand
  • Breaking a new Programming Language down into these pieces makes it easier to learn.

Our focus

We focus on semantics and idioms for OCaml

  • Semantics is like a meta-tool: it will help you learn languages
  • Idioms will make you a better programmer in those languages

Libraries and tools are secondary focus: throughout your career you'll learn new ones on the job every year

Syntax is almost always boring

  • A fact to learn, like "Cornell was founded in 1865"
  • People obsess over subjective preferences {yawn}
  • Class rule: We don't complain about syntax


  • Primary building block of OCaml programs
  • Akin to statements or commands in imperative languages

Every kind of expression has: -> Syntax -> Semantics: -- Type-checking rules (static semantics): produce a type, or fail with an error message. -- Evaluation rules (dynamic semantics): produce a value, or exception or infinite loop


A value is an expression that does not need any further evaluation

Type inference and annotation

  • OCaml compile infers types -- Compilation fails with type error if it can't -- Hard part of language design: guaranteeing compiler can infer types when program is correctly written

  • You can manually annotate type anywhere -- Replace e with (e: t) -- useful for diagnosing type errors

IF expressions


if e1 then e2 else e3


1º: if e1 evaluates to TRUE, and if e2 evaluates to v (stands for a value "v"), then if e1 then e2 else e3 evaluates to v

2º: if e1 evaluates to FALSE, and if e3 evaluates to v, then if e1 then e2 else e3 evaluates to v.

Type checking: if e1 has type bool and e2 has type t and e3 has type t then if e1 then e2 else e3 has type t

if (e1 = bool) && (e2: T) && (e3: T) ==> T 


Write "==>" to indicate evaluation.

Pronounce as "evaluates to".

Write colon : to indicate type of expression.

Pronounce colon as "has type"

if e1 : bool and e2 : t and e3 : t then if e1 then e2 else e3 : t


1º case: if e1 ==> true and e2 ==> v, then (if e1 then e2 else e3) ==> v

2º case: if e1 ==> false and e3 ==> v, then (if e1 then e2 else e3) ==> v

type checking:

if e1 : bool and e2 : t and e3 : t
then (if e1 then e2 else e3) : t

Let definitions


    let x = 42;;


    val x : int = 42

what we are saying here reading right to left is:

let x = 42

val x : int = 42

results in a value 42
whose type was int
and was bound (vinculado) to the name x 


A definition gives a name to a value

Definitions are not expressions, or vice-versa

But definitions syntactically contain expressions

Definitions with venn diagram

let definitions


let x = e where x is an indentifier


  • Evaluate e to a value v
  • Bind (associate) v to x: henceforth, x will evaluate to v

under the hood: the is a memory location named x that contains v

the let definition is not an expression itself

Let expressions

example 1:  let a = 0 in a;;

example 2:  let b = 1 in 2 * b;;

example 3:  let c = 3 in (let d = 4 in c + d)

example 4:  let e = 5 in (let e = 6 in e);;


- : int = 0

the "in" keyword that is making this a let expression as opposed to a let definition.

proving that isn't a definition because a isn't bound to anything.

Variable expression

let definitions in toplevel

let x = e

is implicitly, "in rest of what you type"

~~ in utop

e.g., you type:

let a = "big";;
let b = "red";;
let c = a^b;;

toplevel understands:

let a = "big" in
let b = "red" in
let c = a^b in

Variable expressions

How to evaluate just


at toplevel?

Answer: substitution from that giant nested let expression


The Scope of a variable is where its name is meaningful

let x = 42 in
    (* y is not meaningful here *)
x + (let y = "3110" in
    (* y is meaningful here *)
    int_of_string y)

let expressions give us the delimitation of scope inside an OCaml program

Overlapping scope *

What does this mean?

let x = 5 in
    ((let x = 6 in x) + x)

It's darn confusing because of the overlapping scope:

we should avoid that in our own programs.


Principle of Name Irrelevance:

the name of a variable shouldn't intrinsically matter

e.g., in math, these are the same functions:

  • f(x) = x + 1
  • f(y) = y + 1

To ensure name irrelevance in programs, stop substituting when you reach a binding of the same name

Scope and toplevel

Seems like variable can mutate...

let x = 1;;
let x = 2;;

But really it's just nested scopes

let x = 1 in
let x = 2 in

nested scope

Anonymous Functions

(fun x -> x + 1);;


- : int -> int = <fun>

another example:

(fun x -> x + 1) 3110;;


- : int = 3111

It's anonymous function because isn't bounded to any name, and also this function receives an integer as argument and returns an integer. 

the argument for this function was passed after parenthesis

Anonymous function expression


fun x1 ... xn -> e

yes... 'fun' is a keyword in ocaml


  • A function is a value: no further computation to do. just amazing.
  • In particular body e is not evaluated until function is applied.


  • Anonymous functions a.k.a lambda expressions.
  • Math notation: λx . e
  • The lambda means: "what follows in an anonymous function."

Functions are values

Can use them ANYWHERE we use value:

  • Functions can take functions as arguments.
  • Functions can return functions as results.

This is an incredible powerful language feature

Function application *


e0 e1 ... en

No parentheses required. (unless you need to force particular order of evaluation)

Evaluation of

e0 e1 ... en

Evaluation rules:

1. Evaluate all the subexpressions:

e0 ==> v0, ... en ==> vn


expression 0 ==> value 0
expression 1 ==> value 1
expression N ==> value N

v0 must be a function:

fun x1 ... xn -> e

2. Substitute v1 for x1 in e yielding new expression e'.

Evaluate it:

e' ==> v

3. Result is v

Example 1:

(fun x -> x + 1) (2 + 3)
(fun x -> x + 1) 5      // here we already evaluated all the subexpressions
5 + 1                   // here we substituted v1 for x1 
6                       // now this is our result

Eduardo once said: "It's about abtraction."

Another example:

(fun x y -> x - y) (3 * 1) (3 - 1) // here we evaluate all the subexpressions first

(fun x y -> x - y) ... (3 * 1) becomes 3 ... (3 - 1) becomes 2 // or just...

(fun x y -> x - y) 3 2 // now we have all the subexpressions evaluated to values.

3 - 2 // we must show the result...


i think i have exagerated on this example but it's for a good reason, i have to see in details and are we doing here.

Giving names to functions

let name = fun x -> x + 1;; // additional syntax with the 'fun' keyword

let name x = x + 1;; // it's the same but more beautiful.

the argument for the function goes right after it's name.

Two syntaxes (definitions)

Syntactically different but SEMANTICALLY EQUIVALENT.

let inc = fun x -> x + 1
let inc x = x + 1

Note: both means the same thing.


  • not necessary
  • makes language "sweeter".

Another example:

(fun x -> x + 1) 2
let x = 2 in x + 1

Reassistir com atenção para tirar dúvidas: Named Functions | OCaml Programming | Chapter 2 Video 11

Recursive function definition

Must explicitly state that function is recursive:

let rec fact n =
  if n = 0 then 1
  else n * fact (n - 1)

Function Types

Type t -> u is the type of a function that takes input of type t and return output of type u

Type t1 -> t2 -> u is the type of a function that takes input of type t1 and another input of type t2 and returns output of type u


Note dual purpose for -> syntax:

  • Function types
  • Function values

Anonymous Function Expression

Type checking:


x1 : t1, ..., xn : tn


e : u


(fun x1 ... xn -> e) : (t1 -> ... -> tn -> u)

Poorly example:

(fun x1 -> e) : (t1 -> u)


fun (x: int) -> x + 1
x + 1 : int
(fun x -> x + 1) : int -> int

--- Example 2 ---

fun x y -> x + y

x: int
y: int

(fun x y -> x + y)
  : int -> int -> int

Function application

Type checking:

if e0 : t1 -> ... -> tn -> u
and e1 : t1 -> ... -> tn -> u
en: tn

Partial Application

More syntatic sugar

Multi-argument functions do not exist

they just look like Multi-argument

but are really just syntatic sugar for single argument.


fun x y -> e

if syntactic sugar for:

fun x -> (fun y -> e)

and also:

let add x y = x + y

is syntactic sugar for:

let add = fun x ->
                fun y ->
                    x + y


fun x y z -> e

is syntactic sugar for:

fun x -> (fun y -> (fun z -> e))

Again: Functions are values

Can use them anywhere we use values:

  • Functions can take functions as arguments
  • Functions can return functions as results

This is an incredibly powerful language feature

Type Variables

Variable: name standing for unknown value Type variable: name standing for unknown type

Java example: List < T>

OCaml syntax: single quote followed by identifier.

e.g., 'foo, 'key, 'value

But most often simply just: 'a

Pronounced: "alpha"


  • poly = many, morph = form
  • Write function that works for many arguments regardless of their type
  • closely related to Java generics
  • also related to C++ template instantiation
  • parametric polymorphism

Application operators


let (@@) f x = f x

Reverse application

let (|>) x f = x f

a.k.a pipeline

Application operators can help you avoid having to write paretheses




'a list = []

A list of elements of type alpha ('a)

List of list of integers

[ [1; 2]; [3; 4]; [5; 6] ];;


int list list = [[1; 2]; [3; 4]; [5; 6]]

OCaml Lists

  • Immutable: can't change elements
  • Singly-linked:
    • Good for sequencial access of short-to-medium length lists (say, up to 10k elements)
    • Data structures are tools: none is perfect.

List syntax




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