gramps-graphql / gramps--legacy

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Gramps does not seem to support custom scalar types

grxy opened this issue · comments


I have created a data source to support a custom JSON scalar, based on this tutorial:

My data source is defined as follows:

import GraphQLJSON from 'graphql-type-json'

const resolvers = {
    Query: {
        json: () => JSON.stringify({ test: true })
    JSON: GraphQLJSON,

const JSONDataSource = {
    namespace: 'JSON',
    context: {},
    typeDefs: `
        scalar JSON

        type Query {
            json: JSON

export default JSONDataSource

This causes the following issue in my build:

 Error: Expected Function for name resolver but received string
   at checkFn (/path/to/project/node_modules/@gramps/gramps/dist/lib/mapResolvers.js:13:11)

I think because we are mapping over all of the keys in mapResolvers, and not checking for built-in GraphQL types, there are some issues.

My proposed solution is that if we encounter any built-in GraphQL types that cause this issue (at least scalars, possibly enums), that we simply pass them in as-is to the final resolver map. Thoughts?

Closed by #42.

I just cut a new beta release, so yarn add @gramps/gramps@beta will pull in this change.


Thank you @jlengstorf @ecwyne!


@jlengstorf Seems like 1.0.0-beta-8 does not have this fix. Can you possibly republish?

@grxy Republished. Sorry about that. Let me know if it's still missing; I see it in the package when I install it now.


@jlengstorf It's there. Thanks!