grafana / helm-charts

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Grafana Alloy Helm Chart - Container not starting: exec /bin/alloy: operation not permitted

PatMis16 opened this issue · comments

When deploying Grafana Alloy to EKS using the Helm Chart with a podSecurityContext where runAsUser is used the container does not start. The following error is logged:

exec /bin/alloy: operation not permitted

The podSecurityContext was defined like this:

      fsGroup: 2000
      runAsNonRoot: true
      runAsUser: 473

This issue is actually the same as the one reported in the Grafana Alloy repository: grafana/alloy#630

The container must be deployable to an environment where the podSecurityContext is required and where all capabilities mut be droped.

same issue on openshift

We also need this to be fixed in the alloy Helm Chart.

Actually now it works with the Helm Chart version 0.3.1 and Alloy version v1.1.0