grafana / helm-charts

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Tempo - Endpoint does not follow ip address or domain name standards

mkunkel opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to install Tempo using the single binary helm chart. While the apply is successful, the Tempo pod goes into CrashLoopBackOff.

The error logged is:

level=error ts=2024-03-13T19:18:01.389223639Z caller=main.go:121 msg="error running Tempo" err="failed to init module services: error initialising module: store: failed to create store: unexpected error creating core: Endpoint: does not follow ip address or domain name standards."

As best as I can tell, this error is coming from MinIO. I'm using an S3 backend and understand that I should disable MinIO and not define an endpoint. However, it appears that there is not a helm value available to do this with the single binary helm chart. Am I missing something, or is it required to use the distributed chart in order to use an S3 backend without MinIO?

I've just tested with tempo-distributed and got the same results. How can I resolve this?

im also experiencing this with the distributed version

You can fix this by setting:

endpoint: s3.<region>

Worked for me on tempo-distributed.