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An intro to codegen with AWS Smithy — Symbols

This is the 4th part of a series on writing code generators with AWS Smithy. In part I we get a basic project up that integrates with Smithy via Gradle. In part II we implement a simple codegen for the GraphViz Dot language. In part III we implement another simple codegen for C++ entity types. In this post we’ll add some additional functionality into our C++ codegen that is important for a clean and maintainable codegen implementation.

NOTE: The code mentioned in this article is available on GitHub here:

In part III of this series, we implemented entity type codegen in C++. The code to produce the C++ is littered with minutia such as capitalizing strings for use in class names, formatting parameter list expressions, and mapping Smithy types to C++ types. Because this C++ knowledge is directly embedded in the code that produces strings, it becomes difficult to modify and maintain. Additionally, what if something provided by a model conflicts with a language keyword, for example a service called “class”? If we blindly write out whatever the model provides, we have no assurance that the output is valid. Ideally there would be a way to encapsulate the logic that “knows” about C++ in such a way that it could be changed once in a consistent way, and the rest of the codegen would just work without further modification. Smithy provides an abstraction exactly for this, called a Symbol.

Mapping Names

A simple first thing we can clean up with Smithy Symbols is how C++ names are produced in our codegen. In Part III we simply embedded some string expressions directly. We’ll extract this logic into a Symbol, and use the SymbolProvider as the mapper between our model domain and our language domain. For the purposes of this post, we’ll add our SymbolProvider to our CodegenPlugin however you may wish to extract this as an independent type in a real codegen project.

class CodegenPlugin : SmithyBuildPlugin, ShapeVisitor<Unit> {

    companion object SymbolProvider : {
        override fun toSymbol(shape: Shape): Symbol =
            when (shape.type) {
                ShapeType.STRUCTURE -> {
                else -> error("Unhandled shape $shape")

Here we specify that the name of a Structure shape to be the name segment of it’s ID in Smithy. This is likely too simple for a real codegen project but is sufficient for our purposes here.

Now that we can retrieve a Symbol for our structure shapes, we can use it in the HeaderGenerator codegen:

fun generateEntityHeader(struct: StructureShape, writer: CppWriter) {
    val classSymbol = CodegenPlugin.toSymbol(struct)
    writer.write("class $classSymbol {")

With this change we’ve moved the logic that determines the name of a C++ class from the internals of the header emitter to the Symbol. We then refactor the remaining codegen to use our Structure symbol to determine the name of the C++ class.

Next let’s extract the knowledge that a Smithy String should map to a C++ std::string from the codegen emission functions into our SymbolProvider. For this to work we’ll need to get access to the Model instance from our SymbolProvider in order to, among other tasks, resolve a Shape from it’s id:

companion object SymbolProvider : {
    private var pluginContext: PluginContext? = null;

    override fun toSymbol(shape: Shape): Symbol =
        when (shape.type) {
            ShapeType.STRUCTURE -> {
            ShapeType.STRING -> {
            else -> error("Unhandled shape $shape")

    fun toSymbol(shapeId: ShapeId): Symbol {
        val model = pluginContext!!.model
        return toSymbol(model.getShape(shapeId).orElseThrow())

And we’ll need to set the value of pluginContext when we get access to it from the execute(PluginContext) function:

override fun execute(context: PluginContext?) {
    pluginContext = context

Finally we can remove the mapping from our codegen to the SymbolProvider in HeaderGenerator.kt:

// Return the CPP type of given shape
fun cppTypeForShape(shapeId: ShapeId): String =

And with this change we now have a single place to provide knowledge about C++ that can be use in any codegen logic throughout our project.

Another detail of C++ we can move into our SymbolProvider is the notion of the source files themselves. In CodegenPlugin we have the following code:

override fun structureShape(struct: StructureShape?) {
    val structName = struct?.id?.name ?: error("Unexpected null shape")

    val headerFile = "$structName.h"

Smithy Symbols already have the notion of a source file. We can augment our toSymbol() function in the case of Structure to specify the names of the header and source files:

ShapeType.STRUCTURE -> {

Note: Symbol supports the ability to specify whatever state you may find useful via a Map of properties.

Then we can utilize this by getting the Symbol from our structures and resolving the source filenames from it:

override fun structureShape(struct: StructureShape?) {
    val symbol = toSymbol(struct)
    generateEntityHeader(struct, CppWriter.forFile(symbol.declarationFile))
    generateEntityCpp(struct, CppWriter.forFile(symbol.definitionFile))

The process of refactoring language-specific type information into Symbol s can continue until the functions that generate each source file are only concerned with the overall structure, and not the type information. An important note about Symbols we won’t cover here is that they can also model dependency relationships. For example, notice how we statically emit the string #include <iostream> at the top of our generateEntityHeader() function. It would be better if our dependencies were modeled in our Symbols and the act of adding a Symbol to a codegen output automatically handled the necessary work to include any headers. Additionally, a superset of that information could be used to generate build files as well. We won’t go into these details here but keep in mind that Smithy provides functionality for complex aspects of codegen.


In this post we learned about Smithy’s Symbol abstraction, and how we can use it to extract language-specific information out of various codegen functions into a single place. The code from this post is available at:

Next Steps

In these four parts, we've learned about AWS Smithy and written a few simple codegen projects. There is much more to Smithy than that can be covered here. Items worthy of investigation are: Indexes (convienent ways of accessing Smithy model state), traits which allow for model elements to be decorated with additional information, and SymbolDependency which further increases the capabilities of Symbols to provide dependency information.


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