graciani / tracking_wheels

Project with accessible yet complete examples of tracking in LHCb.

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Track reconstruction made easy

This is a pet project to do track reconstruction, based on real data coming from the LHCb detector at CERN.

Think you can make it better? Go ahead and try!


What is track reconstruction?

At the LHCb detector, millions of particles collide at speeds close to the speed of light, leaving traces (hits) on the sensors placed in their way.

The collisions that happen at the same time are packed into an event, and sent to one of our servers, that must reconstruct the tracks that formed each particle in real time.

This project contains events in json format. These events are then processed by some reconstruction algorithm, and finally the results are validated. That is, the particles found by the solver are matched against the real particles that came out of the collisions in the event.

velopix reconstruction example

The algorithm included is just one way of doing it, but perhaps not the most efficient one!

Diving into details

Input files are specified in json. An event model to parse them is shipped with this project.

$ python3
Python 3.4.3 (default, Mar 31 2016, 20:42:37) 
[GCC 5.3.1 20151207 (Red Hat 5.3.1-2)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> import event_model as em
> import json
> f = open("velojson/0.json")
> json_data = json.loads(
> event = em.event(json_data)
> f.close()

The LHCb Velopix detector has 52 sensors. Spread across the sensors, we should have many hits, depending on the event we are on.

> print(len(event.sensors))
> print(len(event.hits))

Hits are composed of an ID, and {x, y, z} coordinates.

> print(event.hits[0])
#117979 {-3.385275, 13.436796, -275.531006}

Sensors are placed at some z in the detector. Each sensor may have as many hits as particles crossed by it, plus some noise to make things interesting.

> print(event.sensors[0])
Sensor 0:
 At z: -275
 Number of hits: 18
 Hits (#id {x, y, z}): [#117979 {-3.385275, 13.436796, -275.531006}, #128942 {0.017677, 13.495132, -275.531006}, #134072 {0.464924, 12.270069, -275.531006}, #134107 {-0.896257, 10.908888, -275.531006}, #134562 {1.417747, 13.067333, -275.531006}, #141439 {3.828983, 13.37846, -275.531006}, #178943 {4.529018, 2.722359, -275.531006}, #193779 {7.231934, 0.913937, -275.531006}, #268042 {24.997992, 21.066479, -274.468994}, #326966 {14.341893, 28.261292, -274.468994}, #389073 {-1.207973, 31.742023, -274.468994}, #542432 {3.986314, -5.6763, -274.468994}, #557605 {13.572914, -10.634886, -274.468994}, #569059 {7.894847, -1.534422, -274.468994}, #573093 {10.928335, -3.323402, -274.468994}, #861641 {30.529337, -0.678823, -275.531006}, #905103 {26.154114, -9.526497, -275.531006}, #941420 {21.934456, -16.507406, -275.531006}]

A simplistic implementation runs through all sensors sequentially, finding tracks by matching hits in a straight line.

> from classical_solver import classical_solver
> tracks = classical_solver().solve(event)
> len(tracks)
> print(tracks[0])
Track hits #14: [#53557115 {5.485382, -22.965059, 736.968994}, #51465608 {5.115919, -21.623325, 686.968994}, #49373845 {4.785345, -20.28159, 636.968994}, #47282337 {4.435328, -18.959301, 586.968994}, #45196219 {3.754736, -16.295275, 486.968994}, #43110101 {3.093594, -13.611805, 386.968994}, #41020905 {2.646347, -11.608925, 311.968994}, #38928886 {2.315776, -10.267189, 261.968994}, #36834557 {2.160213, -9.567154, 236.968994}, #34078922 {2.100107, -9.273705, 225.531006}, #31983573 {1.944543, -8.573669, 200.531006}, #29887968 {1.769534, -7.89308, 175.531006}, #27792619 {1.613971, -7.193043, 150.531006}, #25697270 {1.438962, -6.512453, 125.530998}]

Finally, we should validate these results, and we'll look at three things:

  • Reconstruction Efficiency: The fraction of real particles we have reconstructed.

    # correctly reconstructed / # real tracks

  • Clone Tracks: Tracks that are similar to other correctly reconstructed tracks.

    # clone tracks / # correctly reconstructed

  • Ghost Tracks: Tracks that are incorrect, either created by noise or by incorrectly reconstructing a track.

    # incorrectly reconstructed / # all reconstructed

We will get the validation detailed for different kinds of particles.

> import validator_lite as vl
> vl.validate_print([json_data], [tracks])
117 tracks including        3 ghosts (  2.6%). Event average   2.6%
              velo :      107 from      114 ( 93.9%,  93.9%)        2 clones (  1.87%), purity: ( 98.99%,  98.99%),  hitEff: ( 98.01%,  98.01%)
              long :       39 from       39 (100.0%, 100.0%)        2 clones (  5.13%), purity: ( 97.98%,  97.98%),  hitEff: ( 96.74%,  96.74%)
         long5GeV :       30 from       30 (100.0%, 100.0%)        2 clones (  6.67%), purity: ( 98.03%,  98.03%),  hitEff: ( 96.45%,  96.45%)
      long_strange :        2 from        2 (100.0%, 100.0%)        0 clones (  0.00%), purity: (100.00%, 100.00%),  hitEff: (100.00%, 100.00%)
        long_fromb :       13 from       13 (100.0%, 100.0%)        0 clones (  0.00%), purity: ( 98.46%,  98.46%),  hitEff: ( 98.46%,  98.46%)
   long_fromb5GeV :       12 from       12 (100.0%, 100.0%)        0 clones (  0.00%), purity: (100.00%, 100.00%),  hitEff: (100.00%, 100.00%)


Project with accessible yet complete examples of tracking in LHCb.


Language:Python 100.0%