gpoore / unicodetools

Work with data files in the Unicode Character Database and generate regular expressions

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The unicodetools package provides an interface for working with the Unicode Character Database (UCD) and other Unicode data files. Python's standard library contains the unicodedata module, which provides access to a subset of the data in the UCD for a particular Unicode version. For example, Python 2.7 uses Unicode 5.2.0, Python 3.5 uses 8.0.0, and Python 3.6 uses 9.0.0. The unicodetools package provides access to the most recent UCD data from Unicode 9.0.0, and includes data not available in unicodedata.

unicodetools also provides versions of chr() and ord() that work with Unicode surrogate code point pairs, and tools for assembling regular expression patterns that may be compiled with the re module.

unicodetools.ucd has attributes corresponding to the following data files. Attribute names correspond to lower case versions of the file names with the .txt extension removed.

  • Blocks.txt
  • DerivedBidiClass.txt
  • DerivedCoreProperties.txt
  • DerivedEastAsianWidth.txt
  • DerivedJoiningType.txt
  • DerivedNumericType.txt
  • DerivedNumericValues.txt
  • EastAsianWidth.txt
  • PropList.txt
  • ScriptExtensions.txt
  • Scripts.txt
  • UnicodeData.txt

The attribute for each file is a dict mapping each code point to a dict of property-value pairs. Code points are always represented as integers, to avoid issues with Unicode surrogates under narrow Python builds. While a property-value mapping is somewhat redundant for a file that contains only data for a single property, this ensures that all UCD data shares a common format. This also requires that property names be used explicitly, which may be useful in cases when property names might not be easily inferred from data file names.

An example of a data file containing only a single property:

>>> import unicodetools
>>> unicodetools.ucd.blocks[0]
{'Block': 'Basic Latin'}
>>> unicodetools.ucd.blocks[0]['Block']
'Basic Latin'

An example of a data file containing multiple properties:

>>> import unicodetools
>>> unicodetools.ucd.proplist[ord('A')]
{'ASCII_Hex_Digit': True, 'Hex_Digit': True}

Users are strongly encouraged to consult UAX #44: Unicode Character Database when working with the UCD data. This is especially true for working with UnicodeData.txt, since unicodetools explicitly provides the default values from UAX #44, rather than leaving these empty.

All boolean property values are represented as True/False. All property values corresponding to single code points are represented as single integers. Values corresponding to a series of code points are represented as a tuple of integers. All other values, including numeric values, are represented as strings. Numeric values are not converted to a numeric type by default, because integers, floats, and rational numbers would be required to represent the full range of numeric values, and because some information can be lost in the conversion to a number (for example, "1/6" vs. "2/12").

Note that there are some differences between unicodedata and unicodetools.ucd, since unicodetools explicitly provides default values. While unicodedata provides raw decimal, digit, and numeric values, unicodetools processes these values into Numeric_Type and Numeric_Value in accordance with UAX #44. unicodedata lacks names for the Tangut ideographs and lacks Decomposition_Mapping for the Hangul syllables. provides access to data from UTS #39: Unicode Security Mechanisms. Currently, only confusables.txt is supported. As with the UCD data, code points are represented as integers, and a series of code points as a tuple of integers. For example,

>>> import unicodetools
>>> chr(39)

Versions of chr() and ord() that work with Unicode surrogate code point pairs are provided. This is useful when working with a narrow Python build or a system with a string implementation based on UTF-16.

>>> import unicodetools
>>> unicodetools.chr_surrogate(0x10FFFF)
>>> unicodetools.ord_surrogate('\udbff\udfff')
>>> hex(1114111)

With the interface to the UCD, it is easy to collect a list of all codepoints with a given property. Utilities are provided for converting such a list into a regular expression pattern suitable for compiling with the re module.

The CodePointRange class is used to represent a range of code points. CodePointRange(<first>, <last>) represents all code points from first up to and including last. Integers or strings may be used to create a CodePointRange instance; the first and last attributes are always integers. The optional argument unpaired_surrogates=True is required to allow unpaired surrogate code points (U+D800 - U+DFFF) in a range.

There are several methods for converting a CodePointRange instance into a regular expression.

  • as_generic_re_pattern() returns a generic regular expression pattern. Optional boolean keyword argument surrogate_pairs causes all code points above 0xFFFF to be represented with surrogate pairs. Optional keyword argument as_escaped_source yields results suitable for copying and pasting or otherwise saving as source code in an escaped string (non-raw string where backslashes must be escaped). Optional keyword argument escape_func allows an escape function to be specified for escaping code points; by default, \uXXXX and \UXXXXXXXX escapes are used for all code points except for 0-9, A-Z, and a-z. If specified, escape_func must take two positional arguments: an integer code point value, and a boolean value for as_escaped_source.
  • as_python_3_3_plus_re_pattern() returns a regular expression pattern suitable for compiling with re under Python 3.3+. Optional keyword argument as_escaped_source is accepted.
  • as_python_before_3_3_re_pattern(surrogate_pairs=<boolean>) returns a regular expression pattern suitable for Python < 3.3. The boolean keyword argument surrogate_pairs is required; it specifies narrow vs. wide Python builds (see sys.maxunicode). Optional keyword argument as_escaped_source is accepted.
  • as_current_python_version_re_pattern() detects the version of Python currently in use and returns an appropriate regular expression pattern. Optional keyword argument as_escaped_source is accepted.
>>> import unicodetools
>>> r = unicodetools.CodePointRange('A', 'Z')
>>> r.as_generic_re_pattern()

The codepoints_to_codepointranges() function converts one or more sequences of code points, represented as integers or strings, into a list of CodePointRange objects that is sorted in order of ascending code points. The optional boolean keyword argument unpaired_surrogates=True is required to enable unpaired surrogate code points.

>>> import unicodetools
>>> ascii_hex = []
>>> for cp in range(0, 0x10FFFF+1):
        if cp in unicodetools.ucd.proplist:
                if 'ASCII_Hex_Digit' in unicodetools.ucd.proplist[cp]:

>>> len(ascii_hex)
>>> rs = unicodetools.codepoints_to_codepointranges(ascii_hex)
>>> rs
[unicodetools.collections.CodePointRange(0x0030, 0x0039),
 unicodetools.collections.CodePointRange(0x0041, 0x0046),
 unicodetools.collections.CodePointRange(0x0061, 0x0066)]
>>> '|'.join(r.as_generic_re_pattern() for r in rs)

The CodePointMultiRange class serves as a wrapper around a collection of CodePointRange instances. Initilization with the keyword argument codepoints accepts a sequence of code points. Initialization with keyword codepointranges accepts a sequence of CodePointRange instances, such as might be returned by codepoints_to_codepointranges(). Note that the keyword must be provided explicitly.

The CodePointMultiRange class has the same methods for generating regular expressions as the CodePointRange class. The methods add an additional, optional keyword argument wrapwidth that allows a line wrapping width to be specified for the output. The default value of None performs no wrapping; integer values >= 45 are accepted (this minimum prevents breaks in undesirable locations in more verbose cases). Regular expression patterns created with CodePointMultiRange automatically merge character sets [<chars>] whenever possible, so the produced patterns are concise.

>>> import unicodetools
>>> ascii_hex = []
>>> for cp in range(0, 0x10FFFF+1):
    if cp in unicodetools.ucd.proplist:
        if 'ASCII_Hex_Digit' in unicodetools.ucd.proplist[cp]:

>>> mr = unicodetools.CodePointMultiRange(codepoints=ascii_hex)
>>> mr.as_generic_re_pattern()


Work with data files in the Unicode Character Database and generate regular expressions



Language:Python 100.0%