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No description available for feed

chriad opened this issue · comments

gPodder 3.11.3 (2023-09-30) installed via flathub
Ubuntu 23.04

No description is shown for the following feed:

However the xml document does contain descriptions.

Here is an example entry:

    <title>Professor van Dusen im Wilden Westen - Professor van Dusen | Folge 36</title>
        <![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Ein Kaktus vor einem Handkarren aus Holz vor einer Wild-West-Kulisse." title="Ein Kaktus vor einem Handkarren aus Holz vor einer Wild-West-Kulisse."
            width="144" height="81" border="0" align="left" hspace="4" vspace="4"/>Im Jahr 1902 treffen Professor van Dusen und sein Begleiter Hatch in Santa Fé ein. Sie sind auf der Suche nach dem Erfinder Thomas Alva Edison. Dieser ist verschwunden: Seine Fußspuren enden unvermittelt vor einem Salzsee. Hat er sich Luft aufgelöst?<br clear="all"/><br/>Von Michael Koser<br/>, Kriminalhörspiel<br/><a title="Direkter Link zur Audiodatei" href="">Direkter Link zur Audiodatei</a><br/><p><br/></p>]]>
    <pubDate>Mon, 25 Sep 2023 22:30:00 +0200</pubDate>
    <enclosure url="" length="54689311" type="audio/mpeg" />

I searched for CDATA in the issues. To my best understanding the 2 resulting issues are not related to this.

Is this a limitation of gpodder or a misconfiguration/non-standard-compliance of the feed?

Thank you

gPodder uses podcastparser to parse the feeds, and it uses the following lines to get a description:

    'rss/channel/item/description': RSSItemDescription(),
    'rss/channel/item/content:encoded': EpisodeAttr('description_html'),

The problem is that the feed contains both of those:

    <![CDATA[...a bunch of html...]]>

Podcastparser sees the <description> and sets description_html to the html there, then it sees the <content:encoded> and clears description_html, because the CDATA is empty.

I will see about having podcastparser not overwrite a non-empty field with an empty one.