goyek / goyek

Task automation Go library

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Require cmd.Exec output to be sent to console and a file

dineshdh opened this issue · comments


I have a requirement where I need to generate a report and upload it to an evidence store. Having the CI pipeline pass/fail is not sufficient. I want to know how I can output the cmd.Exec output to a file as well as the console


Here is what I have so far

var lint = goyek.Define(goyek.Task{
	Name:  "lint",
	Usage: "Preferred way to lint dashboards",
	Action: func(a *goyek.A) {
		cmd.Exec(a, "go test dashboards_test.go -v", cmd.Dir("../dashboards"))

I really don't have a suggestion , and I'm sure there is a sensible way to achieve what I want, just not obvious to me at the moment.

