govindak-umd / Agile_Robotics_Industrial_Automation_Competition_Final_Challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ARIAC Competition

License: MIT

Picking and delivering parts in an industrial environment with faulty parts/faulty gripper/sensor blackout/moving obstacles

Team members

  1. Govind Ajith Kumar
  2. Rajesh NS
  3. Pradeep Gopal
  4. Dakota Abernathy
  5. Cheng Chen


Steps to Run the package

Install Ariac package in your workspace using the steps mentioned in the following link

Ariac Installation Instructions

Follow these instructions to run the package after installing ARIAC

  1. Copy the package and paste it in /ariac_ws/src
  2. Open a terminal and type the following commands
  3. cd /ariac_ws
  4. catkin build final-group1
  5. source devel/setup.bash
  6. roslaunch final-group1 final.launch load_moveit:=true

Wait till the terminal says "you can start planning now"

  1. Open a new terminal and enter the following command to run the node.
  2. cd /ariac_ws
  3. source devel/setup.bash
  4. rosrun final-group1 final_node

Steps to view the Doxygen report

Open the index.html file present in "/ariac_ws/src/final-group1/Doxygen_report/html/index.html"


License:MIT License


Language:HTML 71.6%Language:C++ 19.1%Language:JavaScript 3.8%Language:CSS 2.6%Language:C 1.6%Language:CMake 1.3%