gotutiyan / gecommon

A common toolkit for Grammatical Error Correction (GEC).

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GECOMMON: A common toolkit for Grammatical Error Correcion

This is a common toolkit for Grammatical Error Correction (GEC).

Install by:

git clone
cd gecommon
pip install -e .


  • Parallel: A class to do some operations with parallel data. E.g. make error detection labels, generate corrupt references.
  • Comparison: A class to compare evaluation results of ERRANT.



Parallel contains processing when paralle data is used.

from_parallel(src: str=None, trg: str=None) -> Parallel

Load dataset from parallel. Both src= and trg= are file paths.

from gecommon import Parallel
gec = Parallel.from_parallel(
    src=<a src file path>,
    trg=<a trg file path>

from_m2(m2: str=None, ref_id: int=0)

Load dataset from M2 format. Currently, Parallel cannot treat multiple references.

from gecommon import Parallel
gec = Parallel.from_m2(
    m2=<a m2 file path>,


Load demo data. This is to understand how to use (and is for debugging).

from gecommon import Parallel
gec = Parallel.from_demo()

# The above uses the examples based on one in the ERRANT's offical page.
'''S This are gramamtical sentence .
A 1 2|||R:VERB:SVA|||is|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||0
A 2 2|||M:DET|||a|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||0
A 2 3|||R:SPELL|||grammatical|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||0
A -1 -1|||noop|||-NONE-|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||1

S This are gramamtical sentence .
A -1 -1|||noop|||-NONE-|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||0
A -1 -1|||noop|||-NONE-|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||1


show_stats(cat3: bool=False)

Show statistics of dataset. E.g. the number of sentence, the word error rate.

Also show combined error types such as R:NOUN if cat3=True.

from gecommon import Parallel
gec = Parallel.from_demo()
Number of sents: 2
Number of words: 10
Number of edits: 3
Number of error sents: 0.5
Word error rate: 0.2
=== Cat1 ===
Error type Freq   Ratio
M               1 33.33
R               2 66.67
=== Cat2 ===
Error type Freq   Ratio
DET             1 33.33
SPELL           1 33.33
VERB:SVA        1 33.33


Output sentence-level error detection labels.

1 means the source is incorrect, 0 means correct.

from gecommon import Parallel
gec = Parallel.from_demo()
# [1, 0]


Output token-level error detection labels by ERRANT's alignments.

1 means the token is incorrect, 0 means correct.

from gecommon import Parallel
gec = Parallel.from_demo()
# [[0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]

generate_corrected_srcs(n: int=1, return_labels: bool=False)

For each source--target pair, output the full set of correction sentences applying a subset of the $n$ corrections to the source. That is, if there are $N$ edits in total, ${}_N C_n$ sentences are generated for each pair.
The output is returned as a one-dimensional list with no pair boundaries.

If return_labels=True is specified, labels are also returned to indicate which error type correction was applied.

from gecommon import Parallel
gec = Parallel.from_demo()
# ['This is gramamtical sentence .', 'This are a gramamtical sentence .', 'This are grammatical sentence .']

print(gec.generate_corrected_srcs(n=1, return_labels=True))
# (['This is gramamtical sentence .', 'This are a gramamtical sentence .', 'This are grammatical sentence .'], [['R:VERB:SVA'], ['M:DET'], ['R:SPELL']])

print(gec.generate_corrected_srcs(n=2, return_labels=True))
# (['This is a gramamtical sentence .', 'This is grammatical sentence .', 'This are a grammatical sentence .'], [['R:VERB:SVA', 'M:DET'], ['R:VERB:SVA', 'R:SPELL'], ['M:DET', 'R:SPELL']])

def generate_corrupted_refs(self, n: int=1, return_labels: bool=False):

For each source--target pair, output the full set of corrections that do not apply a subset of the $n$ corrections from the reference. That is, if there are $N$ edits in total, ${}_N C_n$ sentences are generated for each pair.
The output is returned as a one-dimensional list with no pair boundaries.

If return_labels=True is specified, labels are also returned to indicate which error types were excluded.

from gecommon import Parallel
gec = Parallel.from_demo()
# ['This are a grammatical sentence .', 'This is grammatical sentence .', 'This is a gramamtical sentence .']

print(gec.generate_corrupted_refs(n=1, return_labels=True))
# (['This are a grammatical sentence .', 'This is grammatical sentence .', 'This is a gramamtical sentence .'], [['R:VERB:SVA'], ['M:DET'], ['R:SPELL']])

print(gec.generate_corrupted_refs(n=2, return_labels=True))
# (['This are grammatical sentence .', 'This are a gramamtical sentence .', 'This is gramamtical sentence .'], [['R:VERB:SVA', 'M:DET'], ['R:VERB:SVA', 'R:SPELL'], ['R:SPELL', 'M:DET']])


Comparison performs comparison between two performance evaluation results on the ERRANT format.

Comparison.from_errant_format(scores: List[str]=None, labels=List[str])

Load performance results and its labels.

The following example is implemented as Comparison.from_demo()

baseline = '''===================== Span-Based Correction ======================
Category       TP       FP       FN       P        R        F0.5
ADJ            9        29       104      0.2368   0.0796   0.1698
ADJ:FORM       5        1        11       0.8333   0.3125   0.625
ADV            9        41       106      0.18     0.0783   0.1429
CONJ           10       14       34       0.4167   0.2273   0.3571
CONTR          11       17       19       0.3929   0.3667   0.3873
DET            347      234      449      0.5972   0.4359   0.5561
MORPH          32       37       126      0.4638   0.2025   0.3687
NOUN           21       107      307      0.1641   0.064    0.125
NOUN:INFL      6        1        4        0.8571   0.6      0.7895
NOUN:NUM       112      84       139      0.5714   0.4462   0.5411
NOUN:POSS      22       14       44       0.6111   0.3333   0.5238
ORTH           157      94       195      0.6255   0.446    0.5789
OTHER          122      290      858      0.2961   0.1245   0.2321
PART           20       9        40       0.6897   0.3333   0.5682
PREP           245      169      495      0.5918   0.3311   0.5113
PRON           69       71       109      0.4929   0.3876   0.4675
PUNCT          300      163      1178     0.6479   0.203    0.4505
SPELL          152      48       235      0.76     0.3928   0.6403
VERB           53       96       349      0.3557   0.1318   0.2655
VERB:FORM      125      82       111      0.6039   0.5297   0.5874
VERB:INFL      4        1        1        0.8      0.8      0.8
VERB:SVA       110      64       38       0.6322   0.7432   0.6517
VERB:TENSE     159      133      314      0.5445   0.3362   0.4845
WO             19       17       76       0.5278   0.2      0.3975

=========== Span-Based Correction ============
TP      FP      FN      Prec    Rec     F0.5
2119    1816    5342    0.5385  0.284   0.4567
ours = '''===================== Span-Based Correction ======================
Category       TP       FP       FN       P        R        F0.5
ADJ            12       35       101      0.2553   0.1062   0.1993
ADJ:FORM       7        0        9        1.0      0.4375   0.7955
ADV            21       51       94       0.2917   0.1826   0.2605
CONJ           9        19       35       0.3214   0.2045   0.2885
CONTR          11       14       19       0.44     0.3667   0.4231
DET            371      251      425      0.5965   0.4661   0.5649
MORPH          49       45       109      0.5213   0.3101   0.4588
NOUN           24       80       304      0.2308   0.0732   0.1613
NOUN:INFL      5        0        5        1.0      0.5      0.8333
NOUN:NUM       132      78       119      0.6286   0.5259   0.6049
NOUN:POSS      23       19       43       0.5476   0.3485   0.4915
ORTH           167      72       185      0.6987   0.4744   0.6384
OTHER          140      333      840      0.296    0.1429   0.2437
PART           23       8        37       0.7419   0.3833   0.625
PREP           285      178      455      0.6156   0.3851   0.5498
PRON           76       59       102      0.563    0.427    0.5292
PUNCT          330      177      1148     0.6509   0.2233   0.4706
SPELL          197      51       190      0.7944   0.5ß09    0.7143
VERB           72       109      330      0.3978   0.1791   0.3197
VERB:FORM      132      76       104      0.6346   0.5593   0.618
VERB:INFL      5        1        0        0.8333   1.0      0.8621
VERB:SVA       123      58       25       0.6796   0.8311   0.7053
VERB:TENSE     163      125      310      0.566    0.3446   0.5015
WO             17       14       78       0.5484   0.1789   0.3881

=========== Span-Based Correction ============
TP      FP      FN      Prec    Rec     F0.5
2394    1853    5067    0.5637  0.3209  0.4896
from gecommon import Comparison
gec = Comparison.from_errant_format(
    scores=[baseline, ours],
    labels=['baseline', 'ours']


Load the above exmaple.

from gecommon import Comparison
gec = Comparison.from_demo()

compare(label1: str=None, label2: str=None, key: str='f05')

Outputs the performance difference of label2 from label1. You can specify the error type's performance to be compared as key= from 'tp', 'fp', 'fn', 'p', 'r', 'f05' (True Positive, False Positive, False Negative, Precision, Recall, F0.5 respectively).

from gecommon import Comparison
gec = Comparison.from_demo()'baseline', label2='ours', key='f05')
=== Overall ===
Precision: 0.5385 -> 0.5637
Recall   : 0.2840 -> 0.3209
F0.5     : 0.4567 -> 0.4896

=== Error type (key = f05) ===
ADJ       :  0.1698 ->  0.1993 (+0.0295)
ADJ:FORM  :   0.625 ->  0.7955 (+0.1705)
ADV       :  0.1429 ->  0.2605 (+0.1176)
CONJ      :  0.3571 ->  0.2885 (-0.0686)
CONTR     :  0.3873 ->  0.4231 (+0.0358)
DET       :  0.5561 ->  0.5649 (+0.0088)
MORPH     :  0.3687 ->  0.4588 (+0.0901)
NOUN      :   0.125 ->  0.1613 (+0.0363)
NOUN:INFL :  0.7895 ->  0.8333 (+0.0438)
NOUN:NUM  :  0.5411 ->  0.6049 (+0.0638)
NOUN:POSS :  0.5238 ->  0.4915 (-0.0323)
ORTH      :  0.5789 ->  0.6384 (+0.0595)
OTHER     :  0.2321 ->  0.2437 (+0.0116)
PART      :  0.5682 ->   0.625 (+0.0568)
PREP      :  0.5113 ->  0.5498 (+0.0385)
PRON      :  0.4675 ->  0.5292 (+0.0617)
PUNCT     :  0.4505 ->  0.4706 (+0.0201)
SPELL     :  0.6403 ->  0.7143 (+0.074 )
VERB      :  0.2655 ->  0.3197 (+0.0542)
VERB:FORM :  0.5874 ->   0.618 (+0.0306)
VERB:INFL :     0.8 ->  0.8621 (+0.0621)
VERB:SVA  :  0.6517 ->  0.7053 (+0.0536)
VERB:TENSE:  0.4845 ->  0.5015 (+0.017 )
WO        :  0.3975 ->  0.3881 (-0.0094)

plot_etype_comparison(self, labels: List[str]=None, key='f05', outpath='out.png'):

Plot performances for each of labels as a bar plot.

from gecommon import Comparison
gec = Comparison.from_demo()
    labels=['baseline', 'ours'],



A common toolkit for Grammatical Error Correction (GEC).

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%