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πŸ—„πŸ”§ Symfony

dakenf opened this issue Β· comments

Current Status


  • 🏁 Fork the starter repo & post the link in this issue
  • 🎨 Create logo for repo & update issue status (@EricSimons)
  • πŸ”¨ Implement all of Conduit's functionality per the spec & API
  • πŸ‘€ Move repo to main org & Peer review final codebase by admins/community (RFC)
  • πŸŽ‰ Tag v1 release and officially list it on the README!

Hi! I'd like to implement the backend with Symfony 3 framework. I've created a repo here

Awesome! Just updated issue status w/ a gitter room where we can do collaborator coordination, etc :) Also, here's a logo that you can use for your repo's readme:


@dakenf Any progress on this? I might help out if there's no progress happening.

Any word on this repo? @SandeeshS I'd be happy to join you :)

@linxlad i guess this never got started. I'm planning to pick this up next weekend when i get time. If you'd like to then go ahead and create a new repo and start on it. I'll jump in when i get the time and continue in your repo.

I'll update the main comment with the new repo if you create one.

@SandeeshS Sure, I have nearly finished the Phalcon repo, will create a new repo with config, migrations and models :)

So how does it look right now? Has anyone started it or nope? If I want to contribute then is this the repo I should use - ? @linxlad ?

@matigda sorry about my delay here! Would you want to take over this project? I think the other folks ended up not having enough time :(

I can help @matigda with it

We will start with vesol on that in here:
any help appreciated :)

hey @EricSimons , is it possible to create symfony repo in gothinkster organization? Or should it stay as mine? I'm still in develop process and I will fix "README" soon ;)

@matigda feel free to keep it in your own account until it's feature complete! Once it's ready I'll spin up a new repo for it and add you to it :)

@matigda So how does it look right now?

@guillaumemaka I gave link to repository ;) step by step but moving forward. You're welcome to create PRs :)
I've started moving it to Sf4 and I will soon commit it.

@matigda what is working by far?

@arrrni can you guys please take a look at the code before asking? There are functional tests in behat for what is working and there is also configured docker so you can easily run it.

@matigda I've gone ahead and made your repo the one linked in this issue β€” can't wait to see the final version!

Hello ! Is this issue still relevant ? I could help out for the Symfony backend in order to promote the framework :)
It would be better to do it in Symfony 4. and possibly do it with API Platform (as it is a framework for symfony, frameworkception !), maybe on a separate issue

There is already some work done. Have you checked out the repo? IMO it would be best to NOT use any external libraries. It's very simple CRUD. Way better for other people to learn basics of framework and architecture if it's based on simplicity, not external dependencies.

I've seen the repo and I gotta say, I really don't like the structure of the src file because I don't think it follows the Symfony best practices' way of naming and ordering things.
Although I like the testing part a lot, I think that it doesn't reflect the "Symfony way":


What I expect from this repository is to follow the docs with as much precision as possible so that any beginner can check out the docs and see clearly where are files located and what are they doing, and I think the Application / Domain / Infrastructure is not documented anywhere, It probably is a stable and durable file structure but as said in the specs,

The quality & architecture of Conduit implementations should reflect something similar to an early stage startup's MVP: functionally complete & stable, but not unnecessarily over-engineered.

And I think this is over-engineered. What do you think ? I could help out moving the differents files to match the "standard" symfony genrated doc structure

Not sure if it is cause I got used to "screaming architecture". It may be, but it's just something natutal to me. If you are willing to change current code - go on with that. But then please make sure you make it from the beginning to the end. There were already few approaches from different people and every one canceled in the middle.

I won't start anything if I'm not confident that I can do it completely. I'll think about this :)

@florentdestremau Application / Domain / Infrastructure is a usual structure for DDD and Hexagonal Architecture apps, which is widely used with Symfony. Personally I think this is a better Real World example than just following the structure proposed by the framework.

@seyfer if you want to show a "by the book" symfony web app, Hexagonal is not included. Because this is framework - agnostic, I don't think it should be reflected, or at least there should be 2 versions.

Anyway, I am guilty of not having time to offer for this project, I'm just hoping someone will find the time to finish this πŸ‘

Hello we are currently moving all work in progress to Github Discussions.
I'll close this issue by now, you can find instruction to open a discussion there : #633

Thanks for your contribution !