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Implement GraphQL + Apollo/Relay for the Node + React codebases

EricSimons opened this issue · comments

Originally brought up by @kentcdodds here; further discussion here.

Opening this issue to get a discussion going!

I can help with this (eventually). Would recommend using Apollo.

Awesome! Wanna fork the starter kit and post the link here so that others can watch/help?

I don't have time right now, but I will see if I can connect you with people in the Apollo community who have more free time than I do

I've been talking a bit with mxstbr here. He might be willing to help with it. He was mentioned in the tweet that you linked to above

I think this boilerplate can be used as a start point

I have this one for React Native + React Navigation + Relay

It is almost migrated to Relay Modern as well: entria/ReactNavigationRelayModern#5

This is a great idea! Unfortunately I don't have time to work on this myself but would love to help if I can.

@sibelius awesome! Would you be interested in taking lead on GraphQL/Relay?

@stubailo no worries — would be ❤️ if you could give feedback on the final code once it's ready!

@EricSimons would definitely encourage use of Apollo over Relay. It seems to be getting more traction these days

We can do both, Apollo, Relay and Relay Modern.

I can help with any questions for sure.
I don't have time to work on this myself

@leebyron do you know of anyone in the GraphQL community who might be interested in this?

@EricSimons I can help with the GraphQL implementation in the server side.

@thebergamo awesome! I just spun up a new issue for it (#46) — can you fork the starter kit and post it in the issue? I'll update the status afterwards 👍

I can chip away at a Relay Modern implementation, @EricSimons, @thebergamo.

@steveluscher awesome! Just spun up a new issue for it — can you fork the starter kit and post it in the issue? I'll update the status afterwards 👍

Also, I created a gitter room so that all of the folks working on graphql/apollo/relay can chat and coordinate (since they rely on each other) cc/ @thebergamo

It looks like this issue has been split into multiple other issues. Do we still need this one or can we close it?

@EricSimons I can handle Apollo if you give me a few weeks haha

@thebigredgeek all help will be very welcomed! until the end of week we will have a version of the server side graphql implemented with Apollo

@thebergamo @thebigredgeek should I create a new issue for the Apollo part of this (right now we have GraphQL and Relay issues)?

I'm planning using Apollo as a graphql server. Probably isn't necessary create a new issue.

@thebergamo apollo has graphql-server, but their main focus is apollo-client which is the most popular client-side graphql implementation.

@EricSimons same issue is probably fine

@thebergamo and anyone else here: If you want, you can join the #realworld channel in the Apollo Slack to help coordinate an example, both server and client!

@stubailo I'm in! Thanks for the option!

I have done a GraphQL implementation with React + Apollo front-end and Ruby on Rails back-end.
Front-end -
Back-end -
Demo -

Would be great to see other implementations, and mix and match them like we can with the REST API. For that, we should first decide on a schema. So far I have come up with this: Would love to hear any opinions about it.

Still looking for it? I can hop on this one now.

Found by @thebergamo which is pretty nice, just wish it was in express instead.

I am working on a java version GraphQL implementation recently after releasing GraphQL ecosystem is quite sophisticated recently. The code base is also, the same place of the REST implementation, which means it reuse lots of common codes (such as database access, input validation).

The GraphQL schema is firstly copy from But I changed some details about pagination, comments:

The GraphQL code is using dgs-framework just release recently by Netflix.

I have a Relay Real World example here

it also has 12 practical exercises to help learning Relay hooks

it is a tiny social network

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