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πŸ—„πŸ”§ Firebase + GCP Cloud Functions

anishkny opened this issue Β· comments

Current Status


  • 🏁 Fork the starter repo & post the link in this issue
  • 🎨 Create logo for repo & update issue status (@EricSimons)
  • πŸ”¨ Implement all of Conduit's functionality per the spec & API
  • πŸ‘€ Peer review of final codebase by RealWorld admins & community (RFC)
  • πŸŽ‰ Tag v1 release, move repo to main org, and officially list it on the README!

My most favorite backend as a service! ☺️

Mine too :) I'm wondering what the best way to implement the RealWorld spec w/ Firebase would be. Using the wrapper libraries like AngularFire, ReactFire, etc? Or do a lot of people use just the vanilla Firebase JS lib?

Personally I am a fan of VueJS and hence by extension VueFire, but that or AngularFire/ReactFire would be for the front end right?

I was thinking of implementing the backend API with a thin GCP Cloud Functions layer backed by Firebase. Since the spec backend API won't be supported out of the box by Firebase.

Btw, I am fairly new to GCP and backend work, but thought this would be a great way to teach myself. Also this is a such a great idea, thanks to you and the team for setting it up. It seems a natural progression from TodoMVC for the full stack! πŸ’―

I hadn't even considered GCP Cloud + Firebase for hosting the backend API β€” that's an excellent idea. Wanna fork the starter repo and post the link back here so folks can watch/fork your work?

No sweat about being a newbie to GCP/backend btw, this whole project is just one giant learning exercise for all of us and we're all here to help each other :) Thank you for the kind words + jumping in to help expand this project! 🍻

@anishkny I just created a logo that you can use for the readme:


Thanks for the logo!

Forked the starter & WIP: anishkny/realworld-firebase-gcp-cloud-functions

Just set up the Gitter chatroom for this! Lets do any collaborator coordination in there πŸ‘

cc/ @anishkny

Hey @anishkny! Any update on this? Anything we can do to help?

Updates: So far I have managed to setup the entry point handler with few routes implemented.

Meanwhile, Firebase database design is evolving in README.

Also setup an overall v1 tracker.

I am looking for collaborators, with interest shown from @romarioraffington and @rezn5447

I just discovered this realworld project and started looking for firebase related projects and found this one. However, this is using Google Cloud Functions directly instead of using Firebase Cloud Functions (which run on top of GCF). Would it be out of scope if I created a parallel project using Firebase Cloud Functions to show the tools and patterns used for those? I think I could also contribute to some of the missing pieces here.

hi @doowb Firebase really shines when used as a Fullstack implementation, since it has mature JS APIs that plugin directly into the frontend codebase. Would you be interested in starting a new Firebase full stack repo? If so you can send a PR linking it here:

I have sort of abandoned Firebase + Cloud Functions in favor of Datastore + Cloud Functions which is now feature complete.

Hi @anishkny, I'd be happy to start a Firebase full stack repo. I'll create a new issue using the issue template when I create the repo.

@anishkny Is this really still active? Can we go ahead and close it?

Abandoned in favor of GCP Cloud Functions + Datastore BE implementation. Please reopen if anyone else wants to work on this.