gostop54 / cqwrap-x

the cocos2d-x for javascript with cqwrap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


cqwrap-x is a project-creator for cocos2d-x-2.2.2 jsbinding with cqwrap

How to create

  1. Copy the multi-platform-cqwrap dir to your $COCOS2D_ROOT/template/ dir.
  2. Replace the create_project.py file to $COCOS2D_ROOT/tools/project-creator/create_project.py
  3. Run shell command
python create_project.py -project YourProject -package com.your.package -language cqwrap
  1. You can find your created project on $COCOS2D_ROOT/projects

How to run

  1. proj.web

Simply run ./server.sh.

  1. proj.ios

Open your xcode and build.

  1. proj.android

Open the build_native.sh file add NDK_ROOT="$HOME/your/path/to/ndk" then you can run it on ADT or android studio.




the cocos2d-x for javascript with cqwrap