gorgonia / tensor

package tensor provides efficient and generic n-dimensional arrays in Go that are useful for machine learning and deep learning purposes

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`complex64` and `complex128` are currently excluded in from being generated by `Generate` method for quick check

chewxy opened this issue · comments

From @chewxy on August 28, 2017 9:17

What happens for Generate() is that testing/quick will generate really huge complex numbers, such that when it's Pow'd it becomes +Inf+Infi instead of returning the identity.


var identity complex128 = 1
x := 1.2137443348035267e+308+1.5113294366498325e+308i
y := cmplx.Pow(x, identity)
// returns (+Inf+Infi)

This causes tests and the CI to fail, therefore it's been temporarily removed until we can figure out the right thing to do

Copied from original issue: gorgonia/gorgonia#143