gordonbrander / spellcaster

Reactive signals UI library

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Replace signals impl with TC39 Signals polyfill

gordonbrander opened this issue · comments

TC39 has begun working on a proposal for language-standard signals (https://github.com/proposal-signals/proposal-signals). The proposal is designed to provide underlying machinery to existing signals libraries, allowing for interop.

There is also a polyfill which looks like it will be published to NPM (https://github.com/proposal-signals/proposal-signals/tree/main/packages/signal-polyfill).

When the NPM package is published, we should maintain a branch that replaces our signals machinery with this polyfill. When/if the proposal solidifies, we should merge this branch (sooner, rather than later, stage 2 or 2.7).

The React Hooks-style user-facing API presented by Spellcaster should remain unchanged.

If signals become a standard language/platform feature, this should ultimately cut down Spellcaster to just the interesting bits:

  • Hooks-style invocation
  • Effect
  • Store
    • Store fx middleware
  • Signals-aware hyperscript

Tiny and powerful.