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🐛 [Bug] Artisan make:package command `--root` parameter not working

devhaozi opened this issue · comments

Before feedback (在反馈之前)

  • I've searched the existing Issues, Discussions and Google (我已经搜索了现有的 Issues, Discussions 和 Google)
  • The problem can be stably reproduced (这个问题可以被稳定复现)
  • The problem is generated after upgrading (问题是在升级之后产生的)

Operating System (操作系统)


Golang Version (Go 版本)


Goravel Version (Goravel 版本)


Describe The Problem (描述问题)

Artisan make:package command --root parameter not working.

Reproduction Code (复现代码或截图)

go run . artisan make:package sms --root=test


Hi @devhaozi 👋

We think your feedback is very valuable! If you are interested, please submit a PR, please include test cases, documentation, etc., and ensure that the CI is passed, thank you and look forward to your contribution!
我们认为您的反馈非常有价值!如果有兴趣欢迎提交 PR,请包含相应的测试用例、文档等,并确保 CI 通过,感谢和期待您的贡献!

Sorry, the document has a mistake, the command should be: go run . artisan make:package --root=pkg sms, the rule is limited by github.com/urfave/cli/v2. The document has been repaired.