GoPavel / modal-type-theory

WIP Modal type theory typechecker and evaluator

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Modal Type Theory implementation

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This is a work-in-progress simple implementation of (a part of) the modal type theory by Davies and Pfenning described in their A Modal Analysis of Staged Computation(2001) paper. For a, perhaps, gentler introduction, see Pfenning's lecture notes accompanying his and Platzer's course on modal logic.

Disclaimer 1: this implementation has not been extensively tested yet, so it might contain critical bugs.

Disclaimer 2: error reporting mechanism does not report locations yet. This is easy to add for the parsing phase but requires more work to do e.g. during typechecking as I don't keep location information yet. Among other glaring omissions is the lack of support for source code comments, regular let-expressions and type ascriptions for terms.


Your contribution is very welcome. Please check the details in

How to use

Use mtt --help to list all the subcommands mtt supports. Each of those subcommands also supports --help flag. Here are some usage examples:

  • Typechecking a term:

    $ mtt check "[]A -> A" -e "λx : []A. letbox u' = x in u'" --verbose
    OK. Expression typechecks!
  • Inferring the type of a term:

    $ mtt infer -e "λx : []A. letbox u' = x in u'"
    (□A → A)

    Yes, Unicode is allowed.

    Here is an example which must not typecheck because a box tries to capture a regular variable:

    $ mtt infer -e "λf:B -> []A. λy:B. (λx:[]A. box x) (f y)"
    mtt: Type inference error: Variable x is not found in the regular context!
  • Inferring the type of a term from stdin using heredoc syntax:

    mtt infer << EOF
    fun x:[]A. fun y:[]B.
      letbox x' = x in
      letbox y' = y in
      box <x', y'>
    (□A → (□B → □(A×B)))
  • Evaluating a term from a file (examples/eval-apply.mtt):

    $ mtt eval examples/eval-apply.mtt
  • Parsing and pretty-printing (which is not really pretty at the moment) are also exposed for the purposes of testing the implementation:

    $ mtt parse examples/eval-apply.mtt
    ((λx:□(). (letbox u' = x in u'))
    (((λx:□(() → ()). (λy:□(). (letbox u' = x in
    (letbox w' = y in (box (u' w'))))))
    (box (λx:(). x)))
    (box ((λx:(). x) ()))))

How to build

An easy way to build the project is using the opam package manager for OCaml.

Installing dependencies into local opam switch

I'll show how to install the project dependencies. By the way, the dependencies are recorded in the generated mtt.opam file).

Once you have opam installed, go to the project root directory and execute the following command which will create a local switch with the specified version of OCaml compiler, then opam will download, compile and install the dependencies. By default, local switch will be available only inside this project.

opam switch create ./ --deps-only --with-test ocaml-base-compiler.4.07.1

Note that this will create _opam directory at the project root with all the compiled libraries and tools used in this project, so be careful with commands like git clean which may remove _opam (e.g. use something like this git clean -dfX --exclude=\!_opam/**).

Installing dependencies into existing opam switch

If you have an existing opam switch you'd like to reuse, simply run the following command

opam install ./mtt.opam --with-test --deps-only

How to run mtt command

  • My workflow is as follows: I modify the source code and play with the evaluator or typechecker using dune build system to compile and run the modified CLI-driver mtt:

    $ dune exec -- mtt infer examples/apply.mtt
  • Another option is to install mtt into your switch opam install ./mtt.opam and use it as shown at the beginning of this README file:

    $ mtt eval examples/eval-apply.mtt

Running/promoting tests

  • To run tests execute make test or dune runtest.
  • To accept changes to the existing tests, e.g. due to a new format of output or new CLI exit codes, run dune promote or make gold.

Language Syntax


  • The regular lambda calculus identifiers (Lid) called regular start with a lowercase letter followed by any number of alphanumeric characters or underscores (_).
  • The valid, or modal, identifiers (Gid) are syntactically the same as the regular ones except that they must end with an apostrophe (').
  • Uninterpreted type identifiers (Tid) start with a capital letter followed by any number of alphanumeric characters or underscores (_).


Here are the keywords fun, in, box, letbox, fst, snd. The keywords cannot be used as identifiers.

Other lexemes

Pairs are denoted with angle brackets <, > separated with a comma (,). Parentheses () and () are used as usual for syntactical disambiguation both at the type and term levels and to optionally parenthesize bound regular variables and their type annotations. The unit type and its only value are both denoted with (). The dot (.) or the double arrow (=>) is used to separate bound variables from abstractions' bodies. The equals sign (=) is used as a separator in letbox- expressions.


The following table specifies the correspondence between the ASCII lexemes and the Unicode ones.

ASCII Unicode Meaning
[] Box modality
* × Product type
-> Arrow type
fun λ Lambda abstraction
fst π₁ First projection
snd π₂ Second projection
./ => Separator

Abstract syntax


T ::= Meaning
() Unit type
Tid Uninterpreted types
T Type of staged expressions
T × T Type of pairs
T T Type of functions

Terms (expressions)

t ::= Meaning
() the only inhabitant of the unit type
Lid Regular variable
Gid Modal (valid) variable
< t , t > Pair expression
π₁ t First projection from a pair
π₂ t Second projection from a pair
λ Lid : T . t Lambda abstraction with explicitly typed variable
λ ( Lid : T ) . t Lambda abstraction with explicitly typed modal variable
t t Function application
box t Staged computations
letbox Gid = t in t Running staged computations


v ::= Meaning
() the only inhabitant of the unit type
< v , v > Pair value
λ Lid . t Lambda abstraction value
box t Staged computation


WIP Modal type theory typechecker and evaluator

License:MIT License


Language:OCaml 72.6%Language:Perl 26.3%Language:Makefile 1.1%