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integration with fasthttp - suggested approach

gilwo opened this issue · comments


The problem

Lack interoperability of with fasthttp based frameworks.


bridge the gap between and fasthttp

The story

I was working on a project which use go-fiber as a backend server. I wanted to use socket-io for notification channel and bidi client server logic. after couple of hours I found there is no example on the how to do the integration and even some referred to issue #127 that mentioned as a wont do feature.

apparently there was couple of others request along to support this (e.g. #353, #513 and valyala/fasthttp#87)

anyhow go-fiber was here to stay in my project and socket-io is very much wanted support.


fasthttp include an adaptor that help to get net/http objects from its context. I tried using it but something was not working.
I tracked the internal implementation and after some thorough investigation I figure out that the hijack interface is missing there in order to be able to properly pass control to


after modifying a custom response object I was able to hand-over the control of the connection to and from there everything started to work smoothly.


Solution code is based on fasthttpadaptor

full workable example here

custom repsonse writer
type customReponseWriter struct {
	statusCode int
	h          http.Header
	w          io.Writer
	r          io.Reader
	conn       net.Conn

func (cr *customReponseWriter) StatusCode() int {
	if cr.statusCode == 0 {
		return http.StatusOK
	return cr.statusCode

func (cr *customReponseWriter) Header() http.Header {
	if cr.h == nil {
		cr.h = make(http.Header)
	return cr.h

func (cr *customReponseWriter) WriteHeader(statusCode int) {
	cr.statusCode = statusCode

func (cr *customReponseWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
	return cr.w.Write(p)

func (cr *customReponseWriter) Flush() {

func (cr *customReponseWriter) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) {
	return cr.conn, &bufio.ReadWriter{
		Reader: bufio.NewReader(cr.r),
		Writer: bufio.NewWriter(cr.w),
	}, nil
mapping the endpoint
func map_server_endpoints(app *fiber.App, so *socketio.server) {
	wrapper := func(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, so *socketio.Server) error {
		var r http.Request
		err := fasthttpadaptor.ConvertRequest(ctx, &r, true)
		if err != nil {
			ctx.Error("convert request from fasthttp to net/http failed", fiber.StatusInternalServerError)
			return err
		w := customReponseWriter{
			conn: ctx.Conn(),
			w:    ctx.Response.BodyWriter(),
			r:    ctx.RequestBodyStream(),
		so.ServeHTTP(&w, r.WithContext(ctx))
		return nil

	app.Get("/*", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
		return wrapper(c.Context(), so)

now what?

I guess PR to fasthttp


I have opened a PR in valyala/fasthttp#1525 - very simple solution (took only portion of the changes aforementioned)


Is this your sample code product ready? I reviewed your request on valyala/fasthttp#1525 and unfortunately, the tests failed. Do you think it's suitable to use this code sample in a Fiber project?


IMO it is good enough, the PR is an attempt to make the fix on fasthttp instead of a custom implementation everywhere...
I got stuck with fixing the tests for it and forgot about it...