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Is server send ping request automatically?

forfcw opened this issue · comments

server: gosocketio version v1.6.2

websocket info:
client1: v-2 "WebSocket++/0.8.2" /
client2: v-2 "WebSocket++/0.5.1" /

the client1(latest socketio-cpp) will reconnect every minute because of the 60s ping-pong timeout, and do not get any ping request from server.
the client2(socketio-cpp serveral years ago) will running correctly.

is gosocketio server in this version send ping request automatically or just wait for ping request?
I have recompiled the c++ project socketio-cpp and added logger in pong request, but never called.
It seems that the server needs to actively initiate ping requests now accoding to here.

looking forward to your reply, tks!

Hey! You solved this issue?


not yet, but it will reconnect at least