googlesamples / mlkit

A collection of sample apps to demonstrate how to use Google's ML Kit APIs on Android and iOS

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[App Store Blocker] MLKit Dependencies out of Apple Compliance

zk-zeekay opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
MLKit's dependency on GoogleToolboxForMac 2.1 is blocking users of MLKit from using GoogleToolboxForMac >=4.2.1, which contains the privacy manifest required by Apple for the following libraries (

To Resolve
Please update the dependencies of MLKit so that the latest version of GoogleToolboxForMac can be used and users of the MLKit iOS SDK can avoid being blocked from uploading to App Store Connect starting May 1st (

We are working on a new release for this.

Any updates on this? I've been receiving some warnings when I upload builds to App Store Connect

We will have a release in April.

fyi: same for GTMSessionFetcher

It does include privacy manifests in versions >= 3.3.1, but MLKitCommon requires "< 3.0"

Update: looks like GoogleMLKit v 6.0.0 with a new privacy manifest has been released:
Thanks, MLKit team!

@miworking3 in this new release the pod GoogleMLKit/Translate minimum iOS version was raised from iOS 12.0 to iOS 15.5 which is a blocker for people that must support older iOS versions. Was this done on purpose or is it a misplaced value on the Podspec?

It is for the compliance of privacy manifest: One of Translate's external dependency SSZipArchive only carries their privacy manifest in their latest version: 2.5.5, where it upgraded its minimum os version to 15.5: that's why MLKitTranslate have to upgrade to 15.5 as well.

The same thing happens to MLKitDigitalInk, which depends on SSZipArchive as well.

However, this upgrade will not affect other SDKs, so the overall minimum os version of ML Kit family is still 12.0, while for Translate and DigitalInk specifically, they require at least 15.5.