googlesamples / mlkit

A collection of sample apps to demonstrate how to use Google's ML Kit APIs on Android and iOS

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[Bug report] Progress only updates when the download is complete

cambo2015 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When downloading a translation language model and calling .observe on the Progress object using .fractionCompleted, it only updates when the download is finished instead of incrementally updating; the result, updated one time, is 1.0. Thank you in advance.

To Reproduce
Example Steps to reproduce the behavior in the sample app:

  • open xCode,
  • install pod 'GoogleMLKit/Translate', '3.2.0'
  • use the following below:
    If applicable, please include code snippet and sample input(image, video, text, etc)
   func downloadModel(language:TranslateLanguage){
        let model = TranslateRemoteModel.translateRemoteModel(language: language)
        let progress =  ModelManager.modelManager().download(
            conditions: ModelDownloadConditions(
                allowsCellularAccess: true,
                allowsBackgroundDownloading: true
        progress.observe(\.fractionCompleted){ progress, _  in
            print(progress.fractionCompleted) // only prints 1 .0 only 1 time. Need it to print multiple times and give percentage.
            self.downloadProgressHandler!(progress.fractionCompleted,language) // a callback within the class that will go to the Swift UI

Expected behavior

SDK Info:

  • SDK Name & Version 'GoogleMLKit/Translate', '3.2.0'


  • Device/Simulator: IOS simulator, physical iPhone 11
  • Device/Simulator OS: iPhone 15 iOS 17.3

Development Environment:
(For Android issue feel free to skip this section)

  • IDE Eversion: Xcode 15.2
  • Laptop/Desktop: MacBook Pro m1 2020
  • Laptop/Desktop OS/version: Sonoma 14.3