googlesamples / mlkit

A collection of sample apps to demonstrate how to use Google's ML Kit APIs on Android and iOS

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[Feature request] The state of MLKit DigitalInkRecognition

RogVok opened this issue · comments

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First of all — thank you very much for this wonderful lib! It's not just cool, it's pretty amazing!

However, I noticed that the last release was in March 2023 (9 months ago) and I'm kind of scared 🙀 Do Google engineers have the same enthusiasm for MLKit?

The things I'm really looking forward to that would greatly benefit MLKit and specifically DigitalInkRecognition are:

  1. Allow to bundle the Ink Recognition Model within the app.
    This would eliminate the need for individual users to download the model themselves. Instead, the developer can include the needed model in the app bundle.
    Right now we have to convince users to download something on app start, and that is a bad user experience.

  2. Swift Package Manager support.
    Not a top priority, but nice to have.

But most of all I would like to hear that the project is alive and Google doesn't plan to discontinue it 😁

Thanks again for your fantastic work!
Looking forward to seeing what awesome things you come up with in the future!
Wishing you happy holidays and all the best in the new year!

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