googlemaps / android-maps-compose

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View isn't updated after recomposition

Jasperav opened this issue · comments

I have seen it in more complex applications, but this is the easiest reproduction view:

fun ClusterItemConversation() {
    val x = remember { mutableIntStateOf(0) }

    LaunchedEffect(key1 = Unit) {
        // This just delays the execution
        dispatchToMainThread(2000) {
            x.value += 1

            log { "Updated" }

    Column(verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center, horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) {
        Text(text = x.value.toString())

// Some map code...
Clustering(items = clusterItems, clusterItemContent = { ci ->

In the logging I can observe that Updated is there, but the view isn't updated at all, the text remains 0. The view is out of sync.

i think i have a similar issue.
the clusterItem is depending on state that is updated but using the clustering we're not able to specify a key like in the MarkerComposable() how are we supposed to define such state objects using a cluster?

i created a sample for my case here: main...cwsiteplan:android-maps-compose:bug/cluster-item-update

i do have a mutable state that holds the ID of the selected marker.

but the clusterItemContent does not get recomposed, even though read state values do change.

fun CustomRendererClustering(items: List<MyItem>, selectedId: String) {
clusterItemContent = {
                modifier = Modifier.size(20.dp),
                text = "",
                color = if ( == selectedId) Color.Red else Color.Green,

Same issue here. Any work around?

Any update on this?

Also looking for a solution for this please. Exact same issue as above, I have an isSelected boolean that is getting updated, but the view isn't getting recomposed.

Just encountered the same issue here. Can we at least have a workaround for the recomposition, like MarkerComposable did?

I also have this issue, I would like to update the clustered marker composables based on user interaction!

I had the same issue with maps-compose-utils version 4.3.2. Using version 4.2.0 works fine.

I have the same issue with maps-compose-utils version 4.3.3.
Any work around except modify data in the items of Clustering composable?

Can we get an ETA of a potential fix? @kikoso

seems 4.4.0 is fixing this issue for me.