googlefonts / roboto

The Roboto family of fonts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is the project abandonned ?

DXwangg opened this issue · comments

I need your help with a few questions.

  1. Is Roboto still Google Fonts' long-maintained font software? The project has not been updated since August 2, 2017.
  2. If the Roboto has been abandoned, is there any replacement software available?

It's hard to know what Google is up to, there is also this repo:

And this one:

Both with contributions more recent than the one we are on right now.

My guess is that Google does with font repositories like they do with chat apps: Create new ones and forget about the old ones ;)


The "classic" in that "roboto-classic" repo appears to be in contrast to this new "roboto-flex":

The classic release still contains static and hinted fonts, whereas the flex one is variable fonts only.


Ah yes, four repositories? Sure, why not.

Would like to see this repo dropped or renamed since it includes the older version (2.xx) of Roboto. Many Linux distros are still using this to package the font, which is outdated compared to Roboto-Classic repo.