googleanalytics / google-tag-manager-ios-sdk

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Many warnings in Xcode15

s2mr opened this issue · comments

Thank you for providing this repository.
My team uses GoogleTagManager.

The way to install it is in Package.swift. and using binaries via Carthage.

We used to have no problem with that, but since switching to Xcode15, we are getting warnings at build time.
The specific warnings are as follows

Mixed ObjC ABI, /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-fmtasuxvuqiklbbmnyuervvwdwzl/Build/Products/Dev- iphonesimulator/GoogleTagManager.framework/GoogleTagManager[x86_64][3](GoogleTagManager-dummy.o) compiled with category class properties

We get about 30 of these warnings.

We have been able to temporarily address this with the following

  • Remove -ObjC from OTHER_LDFLAGS in Xcode build settings.
  • Since we are using CocoaPods, remove -ObjC from the xcconfig generated by Cocoapods as well.

Due to a problem with CocoaPods, it resets every time you run pod install.

I didn't have this problem until Xcode14, so if this can be addressed on the GTM side, it would be very helpful.

Best regards.

@tsunghung any update on this? The new iOS SDK will be mandatory in April 2024.

Also, GoogleTagManager 7.4.4 has been released. Please try to use the latest binary instead, thanks.