googleads / googleads-python-lib

The Python client library for Google's Ads APIs

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


kanyaparamita opened this issue · comments

Hi Google Ads API Community,

I received this error for one of my create campaign request:

Headers: {
"": "\n\u0001\n\u0003\u0003\u0002\u0012\u0001Indicates that this request would exceed the number of allowed resources for the Google Ads account. The exact resource type and limit being checked can be inferred from accountLimitType.\u001a\u0002*\u0000"\u0010\u0012\u000e\n\noperations\u0018\u0000*\n*\b\u0010N\u0018\u0001 N\u0012\u0016ZtnmYPWAMZ0mzxMNUKsLrg",
"grpc-status-details-bin": "\b\u0003\u0012%Request contains an invalid argument.\u001a\u0002\\u0012\u0002\n\u0001\n\u0003\u0003\u0002\u0012\u0001Indicates that this request would exceed the number of allowed resources for the Google Ads account. The exact resource type and limit being checked can be inferred from accountLimitType.\u001a\u0002*\u0000"\u0010\u0012\u000e\n\noperations\u0018\u0000*\n*\b\u0010N\u0018\u0001 N\u0012\u0016ZtnmYPWAMZ0mzxMNUKsLrg",
"request-id": "ZtnmYPWAMZ0mzxMNUKsLrg"
Fault: errors {
error_code {
resource_count_limit_exceeded_error: ACCOUNT_LIMIT
message: "Indicates that this request would exceed the number of allowed resources for the Google Ads account. The exact resource type and limit being checked can be inferred from accountLimitType."
trigger {
string_value: ""
location {
field_path_elements {
field_name: "operations"
index: 0
details {
resource_count_details {
limit: 10000
limit_type: UNKNOWN
existing_count: 10000
request_id: "ZtnmYPWAMZ0mzxMNUKsLrg"`

I can't really debug this error because it seems to me that this error only applied to my create campaign request with a certain name, because my other create campaign requests worked just fine.

Looking forward to hear from you, thanks!

This is the library for the Ad Manager SOAP API. For the Google Ads API, see this repo: