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How to make "quiet" `fetch` request?

ryami333 opened this issue · comments

Expected Behavior

When I wrap a fetch request in a quiet, I expect it not to log anything to the console. Eg:

const response = await quiet(fetch(url));

Actual Behavior

The script logs the following to the console:

$ fetch {url}

Is this behaviour deliberate, or is it a bug? Is there any way to make a "quiet" fetch request otherwise?

You can disable it with:

$.verbose = false

Or import from node-fetch.

import fetch from 'node-fetch'

await fetch(url)

The workaround posted by @antonmedv doesn't work well when you have concurrent fetches happening, where some need to be quiet and others don't. It would be nice to have something like fetch.quiet() or fetch().quiet().

Since v7 you can provide your own logger via $.log option and filter out unnecessary events.

export async function fetch(url: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit) {
  $.log({ kind: 'fetch', url, init })
  return nodeFetch(url, init)

@antongolub Not sure if I follow how $.log would help. Here's a pseudo-code of what I was talking about:

await Promise.all(
  // These will run concurrently, so a single global option isn't granular enough thing => {
    await fetch(thing.someURL) // This one should be quiet
    await fetch(thing.otherURL) // This one should produce logs
const stdLog = $.log

$.log = (ctx) => {
  const {kind, url} = log
  if (kind === 'fetch' && url === '' ) {
  return stdLog(ctx)

Thanks for the example, @antongolub. It's not as simple as fetch.quiet() or fetch().quiet() though. I mean, imagine if $().quiet() didn't exist and you had to pass a custom log function with logic to detect what logs to silence instead.

fetch.quiet = (...args) => within(() => {
  $.log = () => {}
  return fetch(...args)

Oh, that works well. Thanks, @antongolub.

No need to use builtin fetch. Just import directly.

import fetch from 'node-fetch'

await fetch(url)