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Are these the correct 'release' containers for log_[signer,server]?

vaikas opened this issue · comments

Hey there, in Sigstore we use Trillian and we were wondering if these are the correct locations where the released containers go (there were questions, since they were under trillian-opensource-ci)?

Also, would it be possible to add signatures for them (or if they already are, pointer to it) so that we can verify they were indeed generated by the trusted releases.

To sign the image releases using Cloudbuild we will need to define from where the signing key will come, if will be from a generated one using cosign or if we will use a keyless approach, and then for that, we will need to have a service account with the creator token role.

I prefer the second option, but then we will need some one from google with the Trillian GCP project access to create it.

I can work on the Cloudbuild update to support that.

@AlCutter could you take a look at this?

Hi all, these images weren't really intended to be "release" images, they were more just for use in our CI environment which happened to also provide an easy way for folks to bring up a local instance for playing around with.

I guess doing "proper" signed release images is something we could look into, but we'd have to schedule that into our planning cycle.

@AlCutter let me know where i can help! will be glad to do