google / trillian

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Trees private keys

amass01 opened this issue · comments

We're upgrading from v.1.3.13 to v1.4.0 in decred/politeia#1613, and noticed that trillian.Tree struct does not
have the PrivateKey field anymore, after reading the release notes and scanning the code changes I still couldn't
figure out where is the tree private key is set in v1.4.0.

In v1.3.13 we used to create new trees using the following:

tree, err := t.admin.CreateTree(t.ctx, &trillian.CreateTreeRequest{
		Tree: &trillian.Tree{
			TreeState:          trillian.TreeState_ACTIVE,
			TreeType:           trillian.TreeType_LOG,
			HashStrategy:       trillian.HashStrategy_RFC6962_SHA256,
			HashAlgorithm:      sigpb.DigitallySigned_SHA256,
			SignatureAlgorithm: sigpb.DigitallySigned_ED25519,
			DisplayName:        "",
			Description:        "",
			MaxRootDuration:    ptypes.DurationProto(0),
			PrivateKey:         pk,

Giving the fact that PrivateKey, HashStrategy, HashAlgorithm & SignatureAlgorithm fields were deprecated
in v1.4.0, how do we set the tree's private key ?