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etcdv3 client warn message: lease keepalive response queue is full; dropping response send

mingjunyang opened this issue · comments


etcd server: 3.3.25

ct_server: 1.1.1
log_signer: 1.3.11
log_server: 1.3.11

server info : Linux ip-xx.xx.xx.xx.ap-mmmm-1.compute.internal 4.14.198-152.320.amzn2.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Sep 23 23:57:28 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

when server start running a few moment, the console print warning message.

log_signer_1_d621790f498d | {"level":"warn","ts":"2020-10-28T02:52:39.049Z","caller":"clientv3/lease.go:524","msg":"lease keepalive response queue is full; dropping response send","queue-size":16,"queue-capacity":16}
log_server_1_891d40c2df74 | {"level":"warn","ts":"2020-10-28T02:52:44.006Z","caller":"clientv3/lease.go:524","msg":"lease keepalive response queue is full; dropping response send","queue-size":16,"queue-capacity":16}

I don't know this warning should or not affect long-term operation.

I think it might be related to this issues etcd-io/etcd#9911 . the man report server memory highly load due to too many connections.


This is not an error we've come across before, but it sounds like it might be an issue with etcd/etcd client internals.

I found this blog post which seems to be written by someone who had a similar issue and looked into what was causing it, perhaps it may give some insight:



Fixed by #2655