google / trillian

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Error when adding data to preordered log

gremlin97 opened this issue · comments

  • Hi, I had a created a Preordered log with the command:

go run --admin_server=localhost:8090 \ --tree_type=PREORDERED_LOG

  • When using AddsequencedLeaf to add data to the log I get an error:

rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = operation not allowed for LOG-type trees (wanted one of map[PREORDERED_LOG:true]) exit status 1

  • However, when I use QueueLeafRequest I am able to add data to the leaf. Can you please help me to resolve this error. Thanks!

package main

import (



type trillianLogClient struct {
client trillian.TrillianLogClient
logID int64

var (
tLogEndpoint = flag.String("tlog_endpoint", ":8090", "The gRPC endpoint of the Trillian Log Server.")
tPlogID = flag.Int64("tplog_id", 862641119046779663, "Trillian Preordered Log ID")

type Address struct {
category string
mode string
time string
day string
number int64

func main() {

flag.Parse() //parses input from terminal
conn, err := grpc.Dial(*tLogEndpoint, grpc.WithInsecure())
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()

tclient := trillian.NewTrillianLogClient(conn)
tLogClient := &trillianLogClient{client: tclient, logID: *tPlogID}
in := Address{"3", "4", "5", "5", 904487}
index := in.number
fmt.Println("Number = ", index)

//Converting to bytes
leafVal, err := json.Marshal(in)

//leave struct
leaf := &trillian.LogLeaf{
	LeafValue: leafVal,
	LeafIndex: index,

//request struct
leafreq := &trillian.AddSequencedLeafRequest{
	LogId: *tPlogID,
	Leaf:  leaf,

//Sending request to trillian to append data
leafresp, err := tLogClient.client.AddSequencedLeaf(context.Background(), leafreq)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Leafresp", leafresp)


Above code snippet is giving the given error


The error you're getting says the tree has the wrong type. It should be PREORDERED_LOG. The createtree command defaults to LOG so you'll need to pass the --tree_type flag to it.

Wait I saw you did set that flag. Can you list the trees with the admin API and check what type it has?

Yes I have used the following command in cmd/createtree-
go run --admin_server=localhost:8090 \ --tree_type=PREORDERED_LOG
Below is my tree details-
Screenshot from 2020-05-28 20-55-46

I am using docker-containers for trillian servers

That shows the tree as type LOG, which is incorrect. Can you create one via the admin API and see what it shows.

Thank you! The issue is solved. There was a problem while creating the log which was corrected by using the Admin API!