google / trillian

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LOW: Consider publishing Trillian protos in a separate repo

DazWilkin opened this issue · comments

Trillian's protos are embedded within this repo which includes the Golang implementation.

I'm playing around with Rust and have prototyped (!) a Rust SDK for Trillian using the protos. I have a potential solution in mind using Rust.

The SDK generates rust sources from the protos but, in order to get the (latest) protos, it must clone the entire Trillian repo (~22MB).

Because the protos are bundled with the Golang implementation, it's not easy (!?) to check for changes to the protos.

I appreciate that there isn't a continuous stream of builds being generated from these protos but, have you considered separating the protos from the Golang implementation to version these separately?

Is there a better way to solve this problem? What do you do e.g. for the Python SDK? Just copy the protos?

/the bad apple