google / trillian

A transparent, highly scalable and cryptographically verifiable data store.

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Alakazam03 opened this issue · comments

I am developing an application in rust. I want to use sparse merkle trees but i could not find any suitable library.

I want to use google/trillian. Is there any way i could use it?

Would it be sufficient to run Trillian and communicate with it via gRPC in order to outsource handling of the Merkle tree? I'm not aware of any more direct interop between Rust and Go.

That should work nut there is a client that connects using Pypiclient but it does not have full functionality.
My end goal is to have a sparse Merkle tree inaccessible to my rust service where can I store data, generate proof and verify proof.
I have tried various packages and raise issue also arnaucube/merkletree-rs#1.

Sorry If I am asking any silly question, I am new to rust. @RJPercival

I'm afraid we don't have any experience with using Trillian from Rust. This blog post about the PyPi Transparency client might be helpful: However, if it's a sparse Merkle tree you need (aka. Trillian's Map), then you'll probably need to write your own client. You should also bear in mind that the Map mode in Trillian is currently experimental.

Hi sorry for newbie questions. I found you have a terraform aws trillian service deployment. Is there any way I can use that from rust? @RJPercival

That should work. You'll still need to write a gRPC client for communicating with the Trillian service though.