google / traceur-compiler

Traceur is a compiler

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Document options

sindresorhus opened this issue · comments

It should be easy to see what options are supported and what they do.

Currently you have to dig into the source to find them:

annotations: false,
arrayComprehension: false,
arrowFunctions: true,
asyncFunctions: false,
blockBinding: true,
classes: true,
commentCallback: false,
computedPropertyNames: true,
debug: false,
defaultParameters: true,
destructuring: true,
exponentiation: false,
forOf: true,
freeVariableChecker: false,
generatorComprehension: false,
generators: true,
memberVariables: false,
moduleName: false,
modules: 'register',
numericLiterals: true,
outputLanguage: 'es5',
propertyMethods: true,
propertyNameShorthand: true,
referrer: '',
require: false,
restParameters: true,
script: false,
sourceMaps: false,
spread: true,
symbols: false,
templateLiterals: true,
typeAssertionModule: null,
typeAssertions: false,
types: false,
unicodeEscapeSequences: true,
unicodeExpressions: true,
validate: false,

And the Node interface supports additional options like filename and modules.