google / re2

RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ library.

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GCC does not recognize '-Wl' option while make testinstall in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

chaebkimm opened this issue · comments

In Makefile:21-23 '-Wl' is removed in LDABSL because it causes GCC error in Ubuntu 22.04.


Lines 21 to 23 in 73031bb

# GCC barfs on `-Wl` whereas Clang doesn't mind, but it's unclear what
# causes it to manifest on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, so filter it out for now.
LDABSL=$(shell pkg-config $(ABSL_DEPS) --libs | sed -e 's/-Wl / /g')

Removal of '-Wl' could be applied to Makefile:361, 371 to suppress g++ error when make testinstall in ubuntu 22.04.


Line 361 in 73031bb

$$(pkg-config re2 --cflags --libs | sed -e 's/-lre2/-l:libre2.a/'))


Line 371 in 73031bb

$$(pkg-config re2 --cflags --libs))

Thanks for the report! Will do. :)