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RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ library.

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Add CMake option to disable install

eesaber opened this issue · comments

For CMake FetchContent use case, it would be great to have an option to allow user to enable/disable install

option(RE2_INSTALL "install Re2" ON)

where default is ON for backward compatibility.

  install(TARGETS re2
        EXPORT re2Targets

Although I see that, for example, Abseil provides ABSL_ENABLE_INSTALL for this, says that add_subdirectory(… EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) suffices.

Thanks for the solution.
Where possible, prefer to use FetchContent_MakeAvailable() instead of implementing population manually with this command.

But, the CMake Documentation recommended to use FetchContent_MakeAvailable() where possible.

If you would be open to add CMake install option, I am willing to send PR to fix this

It seems to me like something that FetchContent_MakeAvailable() should support, not something that each project should have to work around with yet another option plus the logic to install or not, so please file an issue against CMake.