google / pytype

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Type annotation for variables in function

gretadolcetti opened this issue · comments

I am usining pytype to get type annotation for a given Python program.

For example for program

a = 1
b = 1.0

after executing pytype and merge-pyi .pytype/pyi/test.pyi I obtain

a: int = 1
b: float = 1.0

which is the desired output.

But when pytype analyzes a function. it only annotates the return type of the function and not the variables inside it (even though I think this information is stored and used somewhere).

For example when I analyze

def foo():
	a = 1
	return a

I obtain

def foo() -> int:
	a = 1
	return a

but what I really would like to obtain is

def foo() -> int:
    a: int = 1
    return a

Is there any option to obtain this?

Thanks for the question! Unfortunately, merge-pyi only merges in types that appear in .pyi files, which doesn't include local variables inside functions.