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The TraceConfig is empty is shown always

artrointel opened this issue · comments

I have Samsung Galaxy Note 9 which is Android Q OS, and Galaxy Watch 4 which is Android Wear OS (R).
Both device always show "The TraceConfig is empty" whatever I put config options.
What should I do?

For example,

adb shell perfetto
-c - --txt
-o /data/misc/perfetto-traces/trace

buffers: {
size_kb: 63488
fill_policy: DISCARD
buffers: {
size_kb: 2048
fill_policy: DISCARD
data_sources: {
config {
name: "linux.ftrace"
ftrace_config {
ftrace_events: "power/cpu_frequency"
ftrace_events: "power/cpu_idle"
ftrace_events: "power/suspend_resume"
duration_ms: 10000

[858.641] The TraceConfig is empty

This looks like some issue when copy/pasting the command. That command definitely works.
Are you using bash or some other shell?
Maybe try saving first the config into a file and piping that file instead of using the heredoc (<<EOF) syntax

It looks like something wrong with my Windows OS during copy&paste. bash fails but shell in linux with the command works. thanks.