google / paxml

Pax is a Jax-based machine learning framework for training large scale models. Pax allows for advanced and fully configurable experimentation and parallelization, and has demonstrated industry leading model flop utilization rates.

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Installing paxml from source failed due to dependency problem

yhtang opened this issue · comments

This is using the latest development version (see full log here.):

#8 79.88 + git clone /opt/paxml
#8 79.89 Cloning into '/opt/paxml'...
#8 80.87 + pushd /opt/paxml
#8 80.87 + git checkout HEAD
#8 80.87 /opt/paxml /
#8 80.89 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
#8 80.89 + pip install -e '.[gpu]'
#8 94.75 ERROR: Cannot install paxml and paxml[gpu]==1.0.0 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.
#8 94.75 
#8 94.75 The conflict is caused by:
#8 94.75     paxml[gpu] 1.0.0 depends on tensorflow~=2.9.2
#8 94.75     tensorflow-text 2.9.0 depends on tensorflow<2.10 and >=2.9.0; platform_machine != "arm64" or platform_system != "Darwin"
#8 94.75     lingvo 0.12.1 depends on tensorflow==2.9

Thanks @yhtang for opening this issue.

We are working on a fix. For immediately unblocking you, could you please use the commit "bb5029a1729aec3d94474550253a0343b94a3391" which is from a week back on May 15 in case you don't need a feature from last week

An alternative workaround is to set seqio==0.0.15 in


The issue has been resolved now. You should be able to install from head now. Please let us know if you are hitting any issue still.