google / in-silico-labeling

Code for In silico labeling: Predicting fluorescent labels in unlabeled images

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


michalstepniewski opened this issue · comments

I am running the code on AWS r5a.xlarge machine with
| Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu) Version 14.0 - ami-0089d61bf6a518044-- | --

The machine has 32GB RAM and 4 vCPUs.

Running on
tensorflow installed through conda
(I guess python3.6 is used).
tensorflow.contrib.labeled_tensor.python.ops._typecheck.Error: ['batch', 'row', 'column', ('z', 0.0), ('channel', 'TRANSMISSION'), 'class'] of type <class 'list'> is not an instance of the allowed type Collection(Union((str,), Tuple((str,), for <function expand_dims at 0x7fa78c2bb840>

Yes. I used python3.6. Anyways got it working now on pip installed version of TF. Excited to test it on my data :)