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tcpip/stack: incorrect UDP UnknownPortErrors increment

xjasonlyu opened this issue · comments


It started with a tool I wrote and I noticed the increasing UnknownPortErrors counts.

E.g., say we set a UDPTransportProtocolHandler like this:

udpForwarder := udp.NewForwarder(s, func(r *udp.ForwarderRequest) {
	var wq waiter.Queue
	ep, err := r.CreateEndpoint(&wq)
	if err != nil {
	// ...
s.SetTransportProtocolHandler(udp.ProtocolNumber, udpForwarder.HandlePacket)

And when a UDP packet arrives to the stack, it comes to nic and is handled by (*nic).stack.demux.deliverPacket in (*nic).DeliverTransportPacket:

// DeliverTransportPacket delivers the packets to the appropriate transport
// protocol endpoint.
func (n *nic) DeliverTransportPacket(protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, pkt *PacketBuffer) TransportPacketDisposition {
state, ok := n.stack.transportProtocols[protocol]
if !ok {
return TransportPacketProtocolUnreachable
transProto := state.proto
if pkt.TransportHeader().View().IsEmpty() {
return TransportPacketHandled
srcPort, dstPort, err := transProto.ParsePorts(pkt.TransportHeader().View())
if err != nil {
return TransportPacketHandled
netProto, ok := n.stack.networkProtocols[pkt.NetworkProtocolNumber]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected network protocol = %d, have = %#v", pkt.NetworkProtocolNumber, n.stack.networkProtocolNumbers()))
src, dst := netProto.ParseAddresses(pkt.NetworkHeader().View())
id := TransportEndpointID{
LocalPort: dstPort,
LocalAddress: dst,
RemotePort: srcPort,
RemoteAddress: src,
if n.stack.demux.deliverPacket(protocol, pkt, id) {
return TransportPacketHandled

Then, in the (*transportDemuxer).deliverPacket, it calls the eps.findEndpointLocked(id) but nil would be returned (because it's a new arrived packet, not registered yet).

// deliverPacket attempts to find one or more matching transport endpoints, and
// then, if matches are found, delivers the packet to them. Returns true if
// the packet no longer needs to be handled.
func (d *transportDemuxer) deliverPacket(protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, pkt *PacketBuffer, id TransportEndpointID) bool {
eps, ok := d.protocol[protocolIDs{pkt.NetworkProtocolNumber, protocol}]
if !ok {
return false
// If the packet is a UDP broadcast or multicast, then find all matching
// transport endpoints.
if protocol == header.UDPProtocolNumber && isInboundMulticastOrBroadcast(pkt, id.LocalAddress) {
destEPs := eps.findAllEndpointsLocked(id)
// Fail if we didn't find at least one matching transport endpoint.
if len(destEPs) == 0 {
return false
// handlePacket takes may modify pkt, so each endpoint needs its own
// copy except for the final one.
for _, ep := range destEPs[:len(destEPs)-1] {
clone := pkt.Clone()
ep.handlePacket(id, clone)
destEPs[len(destEPs)-1].handlePacket(id, pkt)
return true
// If the packet is a TCP packet with a unspecified source or non-unicast
// destination address, then do nothing further and instruct the caller to do
// the same. The network layer handles address validation for specified source
// addresses.
if protocol == header.TCPProtocolNumber && (!isSpecified(id.LocalAddress) || !isSpecified(id.RemoteAddress) || isInboundMulticastOrBroadcast(pkt, id.LocalAddress)) {
// TCP can only be used to communicate between a single source and a
// single destination; the addresses must be unicast.e
return true
ep := eps.findEndpointLocked(id)
if ep == nil {
if protocol == header.UDPProtocolNumber {
return false
return ep.handlePacket(id, pkt)

So in the next if statement, since it's UDP packet, an UnknownPortErrors would be increased.

if protocol == header.UDPProtocolNumber {

However, there should not be an error here, since we have the defaultHandler to handle it later. Therefore, I think the right behavior for the stack is check if defaultHandler is nil and then decides the UDP.UnknownPortErrors.Increment().

Steps to reproduce

mentioned above.

runsc version


docker version (if using docker)




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repo state (if built from source)


runsc debug logs (if available)


Is the increased UnknownPortErrors breaking anything? I feel that this is working as intended, and that in this particular use case it's not a useful value to you.

UnknownPortErrors tracks the stack being unable to find an endpoint for a packet. If netstack is used as described above, then it's simply counting a value that is irrelevant to this use case. For other use cases, the value is more useful.

No, it didn’t break anything. I just previously thought this shouldn’t be an error for this particular use case :)