google / guava

Google core libraries for Java

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is `` really necessary?

hick209 opened this issue · comments


I see that at some point in time we split some parts of Guava into external libraries.

One of the things extracted from it was the ListenableFuture class that was put into

public interface ListenableFuture<V extends @Nullable Object> extends Future<V> {

Now in order not to have a conflict with the Guava lib itself (, it was created an empty version of the library, without the ListenableFuture class, and this was put as a dep of Guava, so during version resolution things would not break if was used somewhere else in your project, as version resolution would pick 9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava.

The main question

Do we still need to keep things like that?

Could we instead actually remove the class ListenableFuture from and have it depend on a non-empty version of

Referenced class

Referenced libs

Why do we need it to be changed?

Reason 1: More standard practice

This way to fork things is non-conventional, which by itself might not be a strong enough reason to make a change, but here's another argument in favor of the change.

Reason 2: Keep "up-to-date-ness"

Since the split there was at least one nice improvement to ListenableFuture that improves nullability information of the class and this hasn't been synced into despite the change having taken place 3 years ago.

If we actually had without ListenableFuture and depending on a non-empty version of, this would not have happened, therefore it could result in less effort to keep libraries up to date.

Reason 3: Consistency

At the same time that exists, we have which was also split out of Guava, but does not have the same treatment.
I assumed there might have been a good reason for it at the time, but what I ask here is that we revisit this decision.

My context

In my particular use case (and why I created this request) we use Buck as a build tool and we have a mono repo, which make having multiple versions of libraries co-exist tricky.

Current Behavior

Because of that, here's what we currently do:
We get both libs, guava and listenablefuture as they are both necessary by different parts of the codebase.
Since we use the non-empty version of listenablefuture we ended up patching the Guava lib, removing the ListenableFuture class from it, in order to make sure it won't clash with

The main reason for this request is that I dislike this patch and would like to kill it if possible.

Desired Behavior

No patch to Guava is necessary as it uses the same as the rest of my repository, so there are no clashes.

In other words, would depend on something like instead of


Sadly, if ListenableFuture were in a separate artifact, then we'd be publishing 2 artifacts that have classes in the same package. That would cause problems for supporting Java modules. (I believe it would also cause problems for OSGi users, but I know less about that. We've even seen some surprises from splitting packages in "plain Java," but those might apply only to package-private APIs (which ListenableFuture doesn't have) and to package-info (which isn't currently very important for ListenableFuture).)

(I do think I officially regret failureaccess at this point :( And you make a good point that it's made worse by the difference between it and listenablefuture.)

If there's good reason to keep things this way I'll take your word for it.

Thanks for taking the time to look into and consider this regardless, @cpovirk