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EventBus grows in size, tasks get rejected

kryptek opened this issue · comments


I'm having an issue w/ the EventBus and was wondering if someone could help me out.

ERROR 2022-03-11 02:52:20,871  [Poll-037] PollingWorker: Swallowing unexpected exception
java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task$1@30340ab6 rejected from java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@51e0dcf2[Running, pool size = 500, active threads = 500, queued tasks = 700, completed tasks = 5047]

The number of queued tasks eventually grows to the max size and although completed tasks is increasing, the queued tasks are full and tasks begin getting rejected like this over and over. Is this because the events I am firing are not completing?

Found the issue. 🤦